No Detention and Deprivation of Rights of People seeking Protection
Januar 2020
Response to the German Outline for reorienting the Common European Asylum System
Inher agenda for Europe, newly elected European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced her intention to present a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, including a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Aproposal for this reform is expected in spring 2020. It could be that this initiative will build on a paper by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) of 13 November 2019. The proposals released in November 2019 can be summed up asa border procedure with detention. Only if there is a positive pre-examination is the entry to the European Union (EU) allowed in order to undergo the asylum procedure. These asylum seekers will be re-allocated to different Member States on the basis of a distribution key.The asylum applications of those asylum seekers who do not pass the pre-examination will be decided definitively in the border procedure. If they are rejected they are to be returned from that point.