Memorandum: Allocation of refugees in the European Union: for an equitable, solidaritybased system of sharing responsibility
März 2013
With this memorandum, the signatory organisations would like to contribute to a wide debate on the question of sharing responsibility for refugees in Europe, and they offer a fundamentally new approach.
The last few years have revealed the deep-seated crisis of the Dublin system: many asylum seekers remain without protection after entering the EU, but are forced to stay in the country responsible for them, or to return to it. The recent reformatory efforts are not conducive to emerging from the crisis, because they cling to the present system, in particular to the designating of responsibility to the state of entry. This memorandum (see below) indicates an alternative. The signatory organisations hope it will set off a broad discussion about the parameters of a system of sharing responsibility in Europe based on solidarity and the needs of refugees.