Hungary: Refugees between Detention and Homelessness – Update and supplement to the report of march 2012

April 2014

Over a year has pas­sed sin­ce we published an initi­al report in March 2012 on the situa­ti­on of refu­gees in Hun­ga­ry. This update shows, that Home­l­ess­ness and detenti­on  have remain­ed decisi­ve for the living con­di­ti­ons of refu­gees in Hungary.

Their pre­di­ca­ment is now beco­ming incre­asing­ly dra­ma­tic, as the num­ber of appli­ca­ti­ons for asyl­um has risen alar­mingly over the past few months.

Date of Publi­ca­ti­on: Octo­ber 2013 (in Ger­man) / April 2014 (Eng­lish Translation)

Her­aus­ge­ber: e.V. und För­der­ver­ein Pro Asyl e.V