
Greece: Systematic Human Rights Abuses

Refou­le­ment at sea, sys­te­ma­tic maltre­at­ment and inhu­ma­ne detenti­on con­di­ti­ons – Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of PRO ASYL and the Greek Group of Lawy­ers for the Rights of Refu­gees and Migrants exami­ned on two fact-fin­ding mis­si­ons in July/August and in Octo­ber 2007 the situa­ti­on of refu­gees at the EU exter­nal bor­der in the Aege­an. The fin­dings reve­al serious human rights violations. On

Bundestag votes on amendment to immigration law

The Ger­man Bun­des­tag is expec­ted to vote today on amend­ments to the Immi­gra­ti­on Act. PRO ASYL cri­ti­ci­zes the packa­ge of legis­la­ti­on as an „uncon­sti­tu­tio­nal and iso­la­tio­nist attempt to seal its­elf off from immi­grants and refu­gees.“ The Bun­des­tag, says Gün­ter Burk­hardt, secre­ta­ry of Pro Asyl, is taking a com­pli­ca­ted and legal­ly dubio­us bill and rail­roa­ding it