Do you need help with quesÂtiÂons about asylÂum law or resiÂdence perÂmits? PRO ASYL’s indiÂviÂduÂal adviÂsoÂry hotÂline supÂports refuÂgees in their asylÂum proÂceÂduÂre and thoÂse with proÂblems regarÂding their resiÂdence perÂmit, e.g. if theÂre is a risk of deportation.
WheÂther you are a refuÂgee yoursÂelf, or wheÂther you are supÂportÂing refuÂgees and migrants, and are conÂfronÂted with proÂblems conÂcerÂning asylÂum law or resiÂdence perÂmits – we will be glad to help you.
We supÂport refuÂgees in their asylÂum proÂceÂduÂre, adviÂse them on their proÂblems with famiÂly reuniÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon and threaÂtenÂed deporÂtaÂtiÂon. We also help with quesÂtiÂons about rights of resiÂdence and back up refuÂgees on many other issues. If necesÂsaÂry, we will give you the name of speÂciaÂlist adviÂsoÂry serÂvices in your area and help you to find a lawyer.
Our advice is given by phoÂne or by email. Our adviÂsors use both EngÂlish and GerÂman. They treÂat each case conÂsciÂenÂtiousÂly, proÂfesÂsioÂnalÂly and with absoÂluÂte confidentiality.
The PRO ASYL legal assistance fund
Some urgent cases call for intenÂsiÂve legal supÂport but thoÂse conÂcerÂned can’t afford the cost of a lawyÂer or legal expert. Then it is posÂsiÂble to appÂly for supÂport from the PRO ASYL legal assisÂtance fund. This is done via the RefuÂgee CounÂcil of the GerÂman staÂte in which you live. In such cases pleaÂse appÂly to our colÂleÂagues in the staÂte-level RefuÂgee CounÂcils lisÂted here.
Our adviÂsoÂry serÂvice in indiÂviÂduÂal cases and legal assisÂtance fund are finanÂced by donaÂtiÂons and memÂberÂship fees. PleaÂse supÂport our work through your donaÂtiÂon.