
Alarming conditions in Ukraine: Refugees are victims of extensive corruption

Report from PRO ASYL and Bor­der Moni­to­ring Pro­ject Ukrai­ne (BMPU) unco­vers sys­te­ma­tic explo­ita­ti­on of asyl­um see­kersEuro­pean refu­gee poli­cy is respon­si­ble for this, too Refu­gees who are pas­sing through Ukrai­ne try­ing to reach the Euro­pean Uni­on are not only expo­sed to mas­si­ve human rights vio­la­ti­ons, but also find them­sel­ves expo­sed to a sys­tem of exten­si­ve cor­rup­ti­on. Whe­ther

German Ministry of the Interior suspends transfers of asylum seekers to Greece

As announ­ced by a press artic­le today, the Ger­man Minis­ter of the Inte­ri­or, Tho­mas de Mai­ziè­re, has sus­pen­ded all trans­fers of asyl­um see­kers to Greece. He announ­ced that Ger­ma­ny will take char­ge of their asyl­um appli­ca­ti­ons, refer­ring to cases in which Greece would be respon­si­ble accor­ding to the Dub­lin II Regu­la­ti­on. Howe­ver, other EU mem­ber