Every year PRO ASYL receiÂves thouÂsands of phoÂne calls, letÂters and emails from refuÂgees and their relaÂtiÂves. WheÂreÂver posÂsiÂble, our adviÂsors give pracÂtiÂcal supÂport. They assist with legal and social quesÂtiÂons and conÂnect inquiÂrers with local adviÂsoÂry services.
We stand by refuÂgees in their asylÂum proÂceÂduÂres with finanÂcial resourÂces from our legal assisÂtance fund. They are often despeÂraÂte becauÂse the autÂhoÂriÂties and courts deny them the proÂtecÂtion they urgenÂtly need. Their reasons for fleÂeÂing are quesÂtioÂned, reports of torÂtuÂre and rape are ignoÂred. Time and again, we find that our interÂvenÂtiÂon brings about a turÂning-point: with our supÂport, proÂceÂduÂres often end sucÂcessfulÂly for the indiÂviÂduÂals concerned.
16-year-old FahÂru Ali* from SomaÂlia escaped his IslaÂmist perÂseÂcuÂtors at the last minuÂte. His father, two sisÂters and two brotÂhers had alreÂaÂdy been kilÂled. The famiÂly busiÂness – a cineÂma – was a proÂvoÂcaÂtiÂon to the JihaÂdists. FahÂru Ali lanÂded at FrankÂfurt airÂport and appliÂed for asylÂum. Yet the autÂhoÂriÂties did not pass on his appliÂcaÂtiÂon and detaiÂned him theÂre, altÂhough he was still a minor. PRO ASYL manaÂged to obtain proÂtecÂtion for him.
We accomÂpaÂny indiÂviÂduÂals right up to the FedeÂral ConÂstiÂtuÂtioÂnal Court in KarlsÂruÂhe or the EuroÂpean Court for Human Rights in StrasÂbourg. SomeÂtiÂmes such proÂceeÂdings have a greÂat poliÂtiÂcal impact. For examÂpÂle, in earÂly 2011 the EuroÂpean Court stopÂped deporÂtaÂtiÂons to Greece on grounds of vioÂlaÂting the EuroÂpean ConÂvenÂtiÂon on Human Rights. In its grounds for decisÂiÂon, the Court expressÂly menÂtioÂned the docuÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon and reseÂarch proÂviÂded by PRO ASYL.
Reza IbraÂhim was six years old when he and his mother fled from AfghaÂniÂstan to Iran, in order to escape the TaliÂban. Ten years later Reza manaÂged to cross the AegeÂan Sea to Greece, wheÂre the coastÂguard locked him up. Time and again, Reza was subÂject to vioÂlent treÂatÂment – in MaceÂdoÂnia, SerÂbia and HunÂgaÂry. In 2014 he finalÂly made it to GerÂmaÂny, after 16 years of being on the move. AccorÂding to the EU’s DubÂlin ReguÂlaÂtiÂon, he should have been sent back to HunÂgaÂry. FinalÂly the attempt to return him was stopÂped and Reza’s asylÂum case is now going ahead in Germany.
In DecemÂber 2011, the Court of JusÂtiÂce of the EuroÂpean UniÂon found that it was unlawful to return refuÂgees to other EU staÂtes on the basis of the DubÂlin ReguÂlaÂtiÂon witÂhout examiÂning their case – also draÂwing on inforÂmaÂtiÂon from PRO ASYL. Legal proÂceeÂdings with our supÂport in such indiÂviÂduÂal cases can have enormÂous impacts on the chanÂces of other refugees.
Si Thin Thai*, a young woman from BurÂmah, took part in a demonsÂtraÂtiÂon for demoÂcraÂtic chanÂge. When solÂdiers attaÂcked the demonsÂtraÂtors she fled to her brother’s in the counÂtryÂsiÂde. ShortÂly afterÂwards, solÂdiers abducÂted him to do forced labour. Si Thin Thai was able to hide in a BudÂdhist monasÂtery. Months later, she manaÂged to flee to GerÂmaÂny. Yet her asylÂum appliÂcaÂtiÂon was rejecÂted. PRO ASYL took up her cauÂse – and she obtaiÂned asylum.
Our legal assisÂtance fund, e.g. for lawyÂers’ fees, and our assisÂtance for indiÂviÂduÂal cases are finanÂced by memÂbers’ conÂtriÂbuÂtiÂons and donations.