We take the pro­tec­tion of your per­so­nal data very serious­ly. In the fol­lo­wing, we inform you about the cir­cum­s­tances under which data is stored and how this data is used.

1. Gene­ral informations

The web­site www.proasyl.de („web­site“) is an offer of the För­der­ver­ein PRO ASYL e.V. – Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für Flücht­lin­ge (her­ein­af­ter „we“/„us“).

The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­des a simp­le over­view of what hap­pens to your per­so­nal data when you visit our web­site. Our web­site can be used wit­hout ente­ring per­so­nal data. Dif­fe­rent regu­la­ti­ons may app­ly to the use of indi­vi­du­al ser­vices on this site, which are explai­ned sepa­ra­te­ly below (see, among other things, cookies).

Your per­so­nal data – if pro­vi­ded to us – such as first name, last name, address, e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, will be pro­ces­sed by us exclu­si­ve­ly in accordance with the pro­vi­si­ons of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Rules (GDPR) and the Ger­man Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG-neu). Data is per­so­nal or per­so­nal-relata­ble if it can be cle­ar­ly assi­gned to a spe­ci­fic natu­ral person.

You can access this data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on at any time under the hea­ding „Data pri­va­cy“ on our website.

2. Name and address of the controller

The con­trol­ler for the pro­ces­sing on this web­site is the

För­der­ver­ein PRO ASYL e.V. – Working Group for Refugees

P.B. 160624

60069 Frank­furt am Main

Tel.: 069/ 24 23 14 – 0

Fax: 069/24 23 14 – 72

E Mail: proasyl@proasyl.de

Legal­ly repre­sen­ted by Dr. Bea­te Wag­ner (Chair­man), Mr. Tim Klie­be (Tre­asurer) and Ms Helen Reze­ne & Mr. Karl Kopp (Mana­ging Directors).

III. Data pri­va­cy officer

Gene­ral inqui­ries regar­ding data pro­tec­tion, such as the exer­cise of your data sub­ject rights, should be sent to the fol­lo­wing e‑mail address, from which your inquiry will be redi­rec­ted to the data pro­tec­tion offi­cer and our data pro­tec­tion team:

If you have any ques­ti­ons about the pro­tec­tion of your data, you can cont­act our data pri­va­cy officer:



Con­fi­den­ti­al data pro­tec­tion inqui­ries can be sent direct­ly to our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer by mail or you may call him. His name and cont­act details are:

Ronald Bara­now­ski (DPO TÜV, exter­nal data pri­va­cy officer)

SIX Daten­schutz GmbH

Kas­se­ler Stra­ße 30

61118 Bad Vilbel


T:  +49 6101 982 94 22

M: +49 170 557 09 38

F:  +49 6101 982 94 24




  1. pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

For tech­ni­cal reasons, the fol­lo­wing data trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored each time you visit our website:


  1. infor­ma­ti­on about the type of brow­ser and the ver­si­on used
  2. your ope­ra­ting system
  3. your inter­net ser­vice provider
  4. your IP address
  5. date and time of access
  6. web­sites from which the user’s sys­tem acces­ses our website.


Our sys­tem stores your per­so­nal data in the log files. This data is not stored with other per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the tem­po­ra­ry pro­ces­sing of the data and the log files is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR, our legi­ti­ma­te interests.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The tem­po­ra­ry pro­ces­sing of your IP address by our sys­tem is neces­sa­ry to enable the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site on your ter­mi­nal device. Fur­ther­mo­re, we use your per­so­nal data to opti­mi­se our web­site and to ensu­re the secu­ri­ty of our IT sys­tems. This also results in our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in data pro­ces­sing. Your data will not be pro­ces­sed for mar­ke­ting purposes.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

The afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data will be dele­ted as soon as they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pro­ces­sing pur­po­se. This is the case with data pro­ces­sing for the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site when you end the respec­ti­ve session.

The log files are dele­ted after seven days. Lon­ger sto­rage is only pos­si­ble if your IP address is dele­ted or ali­en­ated so that it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to draw con­clu­si­ons about your person.






  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and elimination

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to this data pro­ces­sing, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for the pro­vi­si­on of the website.





coo­kie con­sent management

  1. Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

To obtain, mana­ge and opti­mi­se your con­sent to the use of coo­kies and other ser­vices to ope­ra­te our web­site, we use the ser­vice of Borlabs – Ben­ja­min A. Born­schein, Rüben­kamp 32, 22305 Ham­burg (her­ein­af­ter “Borlabs”).


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

We use the ser­vice on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR, as we are legal­ly obli­ged to ensu­re the data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant ope­ra­ti­on of our web­site and its func­tions. Pro­ces­sing out­side the EU does not take place.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

Befo­re the func­tions of the web­site can be ful­ly used, Borlabs obta­ins the neces­sa­ry cons­ents from the user in accordance with data pro­tec­tion law. You have the opti­on to give your con­sent for all ser­vices or only for cer­tain ser­vices. Borlabs mana­ges the­se and you have the right to revo­ke your con­sent at any time. You can adjust your con­sent yours­elf in the so-cal­led pri­va­cy set­tings. The use of this ser­vice requi­res the pro­ces­sing of your IP address and the sto­rage of your pre­fe­ren­ces regar­ding the ser­vices to be used.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of sto­rage, pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and elimination

The data will be stored for the dura­ti­on of your con­sent (until you revo­ke it).



  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We use so-cal­led ses­si­on coo­kies on our web­site, which ser­ve to make our web­site more user-fri­end­ly for you. Coo­kies are small text files that your inter­net brow­ser installs on your end device.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data using coo­kies is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

We use the­se tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies to opti­mi­se the use of the web­site for you. This is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest. Other­wi­se, we would not be able to offer you some of the func­tions of our web­site, such as the shop­ping bas­ket func­tion, as the­se requi­re your web brow­ser to be reco­g­nis­ed after a page change.

We do not use the per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted by tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies to crea­te user profiles.



  1. d) Dura­ti­on of sto­rage, pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and removal

Coo­kies are stored on the user’s com­pu­ter and trans­mit­ted to our site by the user. The­r­e­fo­re, you as a user also have full con­trol over the use of coo­kies. By chan­ging the set­tings in your inter­net brow­ser, you can deac­ti­va­te or rest­rict the trans­mis­si­on of coo­kies. Coo­kies that have alre­a­dy been stored can be dele­ted at any time. This can also be done auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. If coo­kies are deac­ti­va­ted for our web­site, it may no lon­ger be pos­si­ble to use all the func­tions of the web­site to their full extent.


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the opti­on to sub­scri­be to our free news­let­ter. In order to be able to send it to you, we need your email address when you regis­ter. Fur­ther­mo­re, we pro­cess your IP address, the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on. During the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess, your con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is obtai­ned and refe­rence is made to this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on. Your email address will also be trans­mit­ted to our order pro­ces­sor, who will send the newsletter.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data after regis­tra­ti­on for the news­let­ter is the exis­tence of con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing the email address is to send you the news­let­ter. In doing so, we check the email address you have pro­vi­ded to see whe­ther you are actual­ly the actu­al owner or whe­ther the owner of the email address has con­sen­ted to recei­ving the news­let­ter. We pro­cess your IP address as well as the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

Per­so­nal data is dele­ted when it is no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which it was coll­ec­ted becau­se you have unsub­scri­bed. Your e‑mail address will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. Other data coll­ec­ted during the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess, such as your IP address and the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on, will be dele­ted after seven days as part of our inter­nal tech­ni­cal dele­ti­on cycle.


  1. e) Right of with­dra­wal, Art. 7 GDPR

You can infor­mal­ly revo­ke your con­sent at any time. To do so, use the „unsub­scri­be“ func­tion via the link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.

After receipt of your revo­ca­ti­on, your data used for sen­ding the news­let­ter will be dele­ted immediately.


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

So-cal­led „web bea­cons“ (track­ing pixels) are inte­gra­ted in our e‑mail news­let­ter. This is a pixel-sized image file that records cer­tain data when you open the news­let­ter, such as the time of retrie­val, your IP address, details of the email pro­gram­me used and which link you fol­lo­wed, and sends it to a ser­ver. The name of the image file is indi­vi­dua­li­sed for each news­let­ter reci­pi­ent by appen­ding a uni­que ID. This enables us to regis­ter which ID belongs to which e‑mail address and to deter­mi­ne which news­let­ter reci­pi­ent has just ope­ned or is rea­ding the e‑mail.

  1. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the use of „web-bea­cons“ is your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.


  1. Pur­po­se of data processing

The track­ing pixels enable us to iden­ti­fy when an email was ope­ned and which link the reci­pi­ent fol­lo­wed. We use this infor­ma­ti­on to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve our news­let­ter and to adapt it to your per­so­nal wis­hes and needs. The­se pur­po­ses are also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We store the data coll­ec­ted through track­ing for a maxi­mum of seven days. After that, the data will be dele­ted. Fur­ther­mo­re, all data coll­ec­ted in con­nec­tion with the track­ing will be dele­ted within seven days at the latest after you have revo­ked the tracking.


  1. e) Right of with­dra­wal, Art. 7 GDPR

You can infor­mal­ly revo­ke your con­sent at any time. To do so, use the „unsub­scri­be“ func­tion via the link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.

After receipt of your revo­ca­ti­on, your data used for sen­ding the news­let­ter will be dele­ted immediately.



  1. contact


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cont­act us via a cor­re­spon­ding form. For this pur­po­se, the infor­ma­ti­on you pro­vi­de in the cont­act form will be trans­mit­ted to us and pro­ces­sed for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your request.


The fol­lo­wing data will be coll­ec­ted at the time of your request:

- Your first and last name

- Your e‑mail address

- Sub­ject and text of the enquiry

- Optio­nal: address and tele­pho­ne number


The fol­lo­wing data is also pro­ces­sed at the time your request is sent:

- Your IP address

- Date and time of sen­ding your request


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for pro­ces­sing the data trans­mit­ted in the cour­se of sen­ding the cont­act form is Art. 6 (1) litt. b and f GDPR, as the data is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res, which are car­ri­ed out at the request of the data sub­ject. In addi­ti­on, we have the legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest to secu­re our­sel­ves in the event that the cont­act opti­ons gran­ted or our IT sys­tems are abu­sed by the contact.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

We pro­cess your per­so­nal data only for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your enquiry.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were processed.


For per­so­nal data that has been sent to us in the con­text of your cont­act via the cont­act form, this is the case when the respec­ti­ve con­ver­sa­ti­on with you has ended. The con­ver­sa­ti­on is ended when it is clear from the cir­cum­s­tances that the mat­ter in ques­ti­on has been clarified.


The addi­tio­nal per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed during the sen­ding pro­cess will be dele­ted after a peri­od of seven days.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty at any time to object to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. In such a case, the con­ver­sa­ti­on can­not be con­tin­ued. Plea­se send your objec­tion to datenschutzbeauftragter(at)proasyl.de. In this case, the per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed during the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on will be deleted.



  1. track­ing for ana­ly­sis and opti­mi­sa­ti­on purposes



  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

This web­site uses func­tions of the web ana­ly­tics ser­vice Goog­le Ana­ly­tics. The pro­vi­der is Goog­le Ire­land Ltd (Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ire­land, her­ein­af­ter: Goog­le Analytics).

Goog­le Ana­ly­tics uses so-cal­led „coo­kies“. The­se are text files that are stored on your com­pu­ter and enable an ana­ly­sis of your use of the website.

The infor­ma­ti­on gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie about your use of the web­site, such as

- Brow­ser type/version,

- ope­ra­ting sys­tem used,

- Refer­rer URL (the pre­vious­ly visi­ted page),

- host name of the acces­sing com­pu­ter (IP address),

- time of the ser­ver request,

are gene­ral­ly trans­fer­red to a Goog­le ser­ver in the USA and stored the­re. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser as part of Goog­le Ana­ly­tics will not be mer­ged with other Goog­le data. We have also exten­ded Goog­le Ana­ly­tics on this web­site with the code „anony­mi­zeIP“. This gua­ran­tees the mas­king of your IP address so that all data is coll­ec­ted anony­mously. Only in excep­tio­nal cases will the full IP address be trans­fer­red to a Goog­le ser­ver in the USA and shor­ten­ed there.

On behalf of the ope­ra­tor of this web­site, Goog­le will use this infor­ma­ti­on for the pur­po­se of eva­lua­ting your use of the web­site, com­pi­ling reports on web­site acti­vi­ty and pro­vi­ding other ser­vices rela­ting to web­site acti­vi­ty and inter­net usa­ge to the web­site ope­ra­tor. You may refu­se the use of coo­kies by sel­ec­ting the appro­pria­te set­tings on your brow­ser, howe­ver plea­se note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­a­li­ty of this website.

You can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of data gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie and rela­ted to your use of the web­site (inclu­ding your IP address) by Goog­le and the pro­ces­sing of this data by Goog­le by down­loa­ding and instal­ling the brow­ser plug-in available at the fol­lo­wing link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de. As an alter­na­ti­ve to the brow­ser add-on, espe­ci­al­ly for brow­sers on mobi­le devices, you can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on this link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which pre­vents the future coll­ec­tion of your data when visi­ting this web­site. The opt-out coo­kie is only valid in this brow­ser and only for our web­site and is stored on your device. If you dele­te the coo­kies in this brow­ser, you must set the opt-out coo­kie again.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on data pro­tec­tion in con­nec­tion with Goog­le Ana­ly­tics can be found, for exam­p­le, in the Goog­le Ana­ly­tics help (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de).

  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of data is your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

We have con­cluded an order pro­ces­sing con­tract with Goog­le and ful­ly imple­ment the strict requi­re­ments of the Ger­man data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties when using Goog­le Analytics.

  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

We use the data obtai­ned to deter­mi­ne how you have used our web­site. This helps us to opti­mi­se the web­site and to con­ti­nu­al­ly impro­ve its user-fri­end­li­ne­ss. The­se pur­po­ses are also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest for pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data.

  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were pro­ces­sed. This is the case after seven days.

  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You can pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on the fol­lo­wing link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which will pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data during future visits to this web­site: Deac­ti­va­te Goog­le Analytics.

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on how Goog­le Ana­ly­tics hand­les user data in Goo­g­le’s pri­va­cy poli­cy: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de.





  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

This web­site uses the Goog­le Tag Mana­ger of Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.

In this con­text, Goog­le Tag Mana­ger stores coo­kies on your com­pu­ter and, inso­far as web track­ing tools are run using Goog­le Tag Mana­ger, ana­ly­ses your sur­fing beha­viour (so-cal­led „track­ing“). This data sent by indi­vi­du­al tags inte­gra­ted in Goog­le Tag Mana­ger is mer­ged, stored and pro­ces­sed by Goog­le Tag Mana­ger under a uni­form user inter­face. All inte­gra­ted „tags“ are lis­ted sepa­ra­te­ly again in this data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on. When using our web­site with acti­va­ted inte­gra­ti­on of tags from Goog­le Tag Mana­ger, data, such as in par­ti­cu­lar your IP address and your user acti­vi­ties, are trans­mit­ted to ser­vers of Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed and pro­ces­sed and stored out­side the Euro­pean Uni­on, e.g. in the USA.

Goog­le will use this infor­ma­ti­on on our behalf for the pur­po­se of eva­lua­ting your visit to this web­site, com­pi­ling reports on web­site acti­vi­ty and pro­vi­ding us with other ser­vices rela­ting to web­site acti­vi­ty and inter­net usa­ge. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser as part of Goog­le Tag Mana­ger will be trans­mit­ted to Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed and will not be mer­ged with any other data held by Goog­le Ire­land Limited.

  1. b) Legal basis for data processing 

The sto­rage and ana­ly­sis of the data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR (your con­sent), eit­her in the con­text of regis­tra­ti­on with Goog­le (ope­ning of a Goog­le account and accep­tance of the data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on imple­men­ted the­re) or, if you have not regis­tered with Goog­le, by expli­cit con­sent when ope­ning our site. You can revo­ke your con­sent at any time.

  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

Goog­le Tag Mana­ger pro­vi­des a tech­ni­cal plat­form for exe­cu­ting and bund­ling other web ser­vices and web track­ing pro­gram­mes by means of so-cal­led „tags“.

  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were pro­ces­sed. This is the case after seven days.

  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You can pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on the fol­lo­wing link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which will pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data during future visits to this web­site: Deac­ti­va­te Goog­le Ana­ly­tics. More infor­ma­ti­ons you may find here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de.




Goog­le Remarketing/Google AdWords/Doubleclick


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We have inte­gra­ted Goog­le Remar­ke­ting ser­vices on our web­site. Goog­le Remar­ke­ting is a func­tion of Goog­le AdWords that enables a com­pa­ny to dis­play adver­ti­se­ments to Inter­net users who have pre­vious­ly visi­ted the com­pany’s web­site. The inte­gra­ti­on of Goog­le Remar­ke­ting thus allows a com­pa­ny to crea­te user-rela­ted adver­ti­sing and con­se­quent­ly to dis­play inte­rest-rele­vant adver­ti­se­ments to the Inter­net user.


The ope­ra­ting com­pa­ny of Goog­le Remarketing/Google AdWords is Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.


Goog­le Remar­ke­ting sets a coo­kie on the infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy sys­tem of the data sub­ject. What coo­kies are has alre­a­dy been explai­ned abo­ve. The coo­kie enables Goog­le to reco­g­ni­se the visi­tor to our web­site when he or she sub­se­quent­ly visits web­sites that are also mem­bers of the Goog­le adver­ti­sing net­work. Each time a web­site is acces­sed on which the Goog­le Remar­ke­ting ser­vice has been inte­gra­ted, the inter­net brow­ser of the per­son con­cer­ned auto­ma­ti­cal­ly iden­ti­fies its­elf to Goog­le. Within the scope of this tech­ni­cal pro­ce­du­re, Goog­le obta­ins know­ledge of per­so­nal data, such as the IP address or the user’s sur­fing beha­viour, which Goog­le uses, among other things, to dis­play inte­rest-rele­vant advertising.


By means of the coo­kie, per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on, such as the web­sites visi­ted by the per­son con­cer­ned, is stored. Each time the data sub­ject visits our web­site, per­so­nal data, inclu­ding the IP address of the inter­net con­nec­tion used by the data sub­ject, is trans­mit­ted to Goog­le in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca (USA). This per­so­nal data is stored by Goog­le in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca. Goog­le may pass on this per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted via the tech­ni­cal pro­ce­du­re to third parties.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out in accordance with your con­sent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR). If you have given your con­sent, you can revo­ke it at any time in the coo­kie settings.



  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pur­po­se of Goog­le Remar­ke­ting is the dis­play of inte­rest-rele­vant adver­ti­sing. Goog­le Remar­ke­ting enables us to dis­play adver­ti­se­ments via the Goog­le adver­ti­sing net­work or to have them dis­play­ed on other Inter­net pages, which are tail­o­red to the indi­vi­du­al needs and inte­rests of Inter­net users.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

The sto­rage peri­od is XXXX months.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR 

The data sub­ject can pre­vent the set­ting of coo­kies by our web­site, as alre­a­dy descri­bed abo­ve, at any time by means of an appro­pria­te set­ting of the Inter­net brow­ser used and thus per­ma­nent­ly object to the set­ting of coo­kies. Such a set­ting of the Inter­net brow­ser used would also pre­vent Goog­le from set­ting a coo­kie on the infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy sys­tem of the data sub­ject. In addi­ti­on, a coo­kie alre­a­dy set by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics can be dele­ted at any time via the inter­net brow­ser or other soft­ware programmes.


Fur­ther­mo­re, the data sub­ject has the opti­on to object to inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing by Goog­le. To do this, the data sub­ject must call up the link www.google.de/settings/ads from any of the inter­net brow­sers he or she uses and make the desi­red set­tings there.


Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and the appli­ca­ble data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons of Goog­le can be found at www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/.





For the gra­phi­cal uni­form dis­play of fonts, we use the fonts of the pro­vi­ders Ado­be Sys­tems Soft­ware Ire­land, 4–6 River­walk, City­west Busi­ness Cam­pus, Dub­lin 24, Ire­land and Goog­le Web­fonts (Goog­le Ire­land Ltd., Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.


Only sta­tic ele­ments are used here. This means that the fonts are loa­ded and instal­led initi­al­ly by us and that no per­so­nal data is requi­red for the ope­ra­ti­on of this ser­vice and is not trans­mit­ted to the pro­vi­ders. If the­se ser­vices were not used sta­ti­cal­ly but dyna­mi­cal­ly, tech­ni­cal data (e.g. your IP address) would be for­ward­ed to the respec­ti­ve ser­vice pro­vi­der for the con­s­truc­tion of the page view and the dis­play of the fonts in your browser.


The use of the abo­ve-men­tio­ned ser­vices is in the inte­rest of a uni­form and appe­al­ing pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our online offers. This repres­ents a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest within the mea­ning of the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.




On our web­site we use the c’t pro­ject „Sha­riff“ deve­lo­ped by Heise.de. Through this, we want to avo­id a com­pre­hen­si­ve coll­ec­tion and eva­lua­ti­on of your visit by pro­vi­ders of social media/social sha­ring func­tions. Sha­riff replaces the usu­al share but­tons of the social net­works and thus pro­tects your sur­fing beha­viour. Sha­riff only inte­gra­tes the share but­tons of the social net­works lis­ted below as gra­phics into our web­site. The gra­phic con­ta­ins a link to the cor­re­spon­ding social network.

Wit­hout the use of Sha­riff, the usu­al social media but­tons would trans­mit your data to the social net­works with every page view and pro­vi­de them with infor­ma­ti­on about your sur­fing beha­viour, regard­less of whe­ther you are log­ged in or a mem­ber of the social net­work. A Sha­riff but­ton, on the other hand, estab­lishes direct cont­act bet­ween the social net­work and you only when you actively click on the Share but­ton. Wit­hout cli­cking the Sha­riff but­ton, no exch­an­ge takes place bet­ween the social net­work and you. In this way, Sha­riff pre­vents you from lea­ving a digi­tal trail sim­ply by visi­ting the website.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the c’t pro­ject „Sha­riff“ is available at http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Shariff-Social-Media-Buttons-mit-Datenschutz2467514.html.

We inte­gra­te the fol­lo­wing social net­works with Sha­riff on our website:

- Face­book components

- Twit­ter recom­men­da­ti­on components

- Insta­gram components

For the pur­po­se and scope of the data coll­ec­tion and the fur­ther pro­ces­sing and use of the data by the pro­vi­ders on their pages, as well as your rights in this regard and set­ting opti­ons for pro­tec­ting your pri­va­cy, plea­se refer to the pro­vi­ders‘ data pro­tec­tion noti­ces at:

- Face­book http://www.facebook.com/policy.php

- Twit­ter https://twitter.com/privacy

- Insta­gram https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388


  1. pos­si­bil­tiy of online dona­ti­on with “FUNDRAISINGBOX”


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On a sub­page of our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dona­te to us by pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data. For the trans­mis­si­on of your pay­ment data, we use the „Fund­rai­sin­g­box“ ser­vice of Wikan­do GmbH, Schieß­gra­benstr. 32, 86150 Augs­burg, Ger­ma­ny. Per­so­nal data requi­red for online dona­ti­ons via the online form are your first and last name, the desi­red form of address, your address, your e‑mail address and your cre­dit card details or bank account details, if you choo­se direct debit, as well as the dona­ti­on amount, the dona­ti­on fre­quen­cy and a key­word for allo­ca­ting the dona­ti­on. Optio­nal­ly, you can enter your tele­pho­ne num­ber, ask for a dona­ti­on receipt and/or sta­te your com­pa­ny if you wish to dona­te on its behalf. This data is stored and pro­ces­sed for us on ser­vers of Wikan­do GmbH so that we can view the dona­ti­on data you ente­red in the online form and pro­vi­de you with a dona­ti­on receipt upon request. Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. With the online dona­ti­on on the web­site, we will also save your IP address and the date and time of sub­mis­si­on of the dona­ti­on form.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the dona­ti­on con­tract that you con­clude with us via the online form. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR.


The legal basis for the coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address and the pro­ces­sing of your data by Wikan­do is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.








  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted when ente­ring the online form are neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the dona­ti­on con­tract, within the frame­work of which the user com­mits to pay­ing a dona­ti­on amount cho­sen by him/herself.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the three-year limi­ta­ti­on peri­od, begin­ning with the end of the year in which you dona­ted to us.

As we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which the dona­ti­on was made.


Your IP address will be dele­ted within seven days after the online dona­ti­on has been made.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to this data pro­ces­sing, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is man­da­to­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with a gift agree­ment in the desi­red form.


  1. pos­si­bi­li­ty of membership
  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to beco­me a mem­ber by pro­vi­ding us with your per­so­nal data. Per­so­nal data that we pro­cess by means of the regis­tra­ti­on form are your first and last name, your address, your e‑mail address, your account details and the amount of your mem­ber­ship fee. Fur­ther­mo­re, you have the opti­on to indi­ca­te whe­ther you are a pupil or stu­dent and would like to take advan­ta­ge of a redu­ced mem­ber­ship fee. In addi­ti­on, you can request a dona­ti­on receipt from us by ente­ring the appro­pria­te information.


Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. By regis­tering on this site, we will also store your IP address and the date and time of your registration.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the mem­ber­ship rela­ti­onship that you enter into with us via the regis­tra­ti­on func­tion. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDRP.

The coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.




  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted during regis­tra­ti­on is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the mem­ber­ship relationship.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data. This is also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing. We do not pass on data to third par­ties or compa­re it with data coll­ec­ted by other web­site services.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the limi­ta­ti­on period.


Sin­ce we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which your mem­ber­ship was terminated.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to the pro­ces­sing of the IP address, as it is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with mem­ber­ship in the desi­red form.



  1. par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the signa­tu­re campaign


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We pro­cess your per­so­nal data for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in our signa­tu­re cam­paigns for the pur­po­se of sub­mis­si­on to the Bun­des­tag. Your first and last name, your address and your e‑mail address are processed.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is car­ri­ed out to pro­tect our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests, which result from our public man­da­te – the pro­tec­tion and safe­guar­ding of refu­gee and human rights.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

Your data will only be pro­ces­sed as long as it is neces­sa­ry for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­ses or as long as legal reten­ti­on peri­ods obli­ge us to pro­cess it. After sub­mis­si­on of the list, the data will be dele­ted after 3 years.


  1. e) Right of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You have the right to object to pro­ces­sing at any time.




  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. If you do not pro­vi­de the data, we will not be able to include you in the signa­tu­re campaign.


  1. order of articles


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to order items from us by pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data. Per­so­nal data that is pro­ces­sed when you make an online dona­ti­on using the regis­tra­ti­on form is your first name and sur­na­me, your address, your e‑mail address and optio­nal details such as your tele­pho­ne num­ber or com­pa­ny name if you are pla­cing the order for your company.

Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. When you regis­ter on this site, we will also store your IP address and the date and time of your registration.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the gift or purcha­se con­tract that you con­clude with us via the regis­tra­ti­on func­tion. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR.

The coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted during regis­tra­ti­on are neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the gift or purcha­se contract.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data. This is also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing. We do not pass on data to third par­ties or compa­re it with data coll­ec­ted by other web­site services.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the limi­ta­ti­on period.

Sin­ce we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which you pla­ced your order with us.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to the pro­ces­sing of the IP address, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is man­da­to­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with a gift or purcha­se con­tract in the desi­red form.




  1. your rights as a data subject

If your per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed by us, you are a data sub­ject within the mea­ning of the GDPR, so you have the fol­lo­wing rights vis-à-vis us:



You have the right to request infor­ma­ti­on about your per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed by us at any time. This also includes infor­ma­ti­on about the ori­gin, reci­pi­ents or cate­go­ries of reci­pi­ents to whom we trans­fer your data, as well as the pur­po­ses for which we pro­cess your per­so­nal data.



You have the right to request that we cor­rect and/or com­ple­te your per­so­nal data wit­hout undue delay if your per­so­nal data is inac­cu­ra­te or incomplete.



You may request that we dele­te your per­so­nal data wit­hout delay. We are obli­ged to car­ry out the dele­ti­on wit­hout delay. Some­thing else only appli­es if we are obli­ged to con­ti­nue pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data on the basis of con­trac­tu­al and/or legal regu­la­ti­ons. This is the case, for exam­p­le, if we are pro­hi­bi­ted from dele­ting your data by tax law. In such a case, we rest­rict the pro­ces­sing and dele­te the per­so­nal data in ques­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly after the expiry of the reten­ti­on period.



You have the right to recei­ve the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you that you have pro­vi­ded to us in a struc­tu­red, com­mon and machi­ne-rea­da­ble for­mat, pro­vi­ded that this is tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble. You also have the right to trans­fer this data to ano­ther per­son respon­si­ble wit­hout hin­drance from us, if you so wish.




You have the right not to be sub­ject to a decis­i­on based sole­ly on auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing, which pro­du­ces legal effects con­cer­ning you or simi­lar­ly signi­fi­cant­ly affects you.



You have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty if you con­sider that the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you inf­rin­ges the GDPR. The com­pe­tent super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty for us is:


The Hes­si­an Data Pro­tec­tion Commissioner

Post­fach 3163

65021 Wies­ba­den

E Mail: Poststelle@datenschutz.hessen.de

Tele­pho­ne: +49 611 1408 – 0, Fax: +49 611 1408 – 900.


We will be hap­py to pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­ti­on about the per­so­nal data we have stored about you at any time. Plea­se send us your request by let­ter, e‑mail or fax to the pos­tal address, e‑mail address or fax num­ber given in the imprint. You will then recei­ve writ­ten infor­ma­ti­on immediately.





We reser­ve the right to chan­ge our data pro­tec­tion mea­su­res as far as this beco­mes neces­sa­ry due to tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment or due to chan­ged legis­la­ti­on or juris­dic­tion. In the­se cases, we will also adapt our data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on accor­din­gly. Plea­se the­r­e­fo­re note the cur­rent ver­si­on of our data pro­tec­tion information.


Sta­tus: April 3rd, 2023



  1. Gene­ral informations

The web­site www.proasyl.de („web­site“) is an offer of the För­der­ver­ein PRO ASYL e.V. – Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für Flücht­lin­ge (her­ein­af­ter „we“/„us“).


The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­des a simp­le over­view of what hap­pens to your per­so­nal data when you visit our web­site. Our web­site can be used wit­hout ente­ring per­so­nal data. Dif­fe­rent regu­la­ti­ons may app­ly to the use of indi­vi­du­al ser­vices on this site, which are explai­ned sepa­ra­te­ly below (see, among other things, cookies).


Your per­so­nal data – if pro­vi­ded to us – such as first name, last name, address, e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, will be pro­ces­sed by us exclu­si­ve­ly in accordance with the pro­vi­si­ons of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Rules (GDPR) and the Ger­man Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG-neu). Data is per­so­nal or per­so­nal-relata­ble if it can be cle­ar­ly assi­gned to a spe­ci­fic natu­ral person.


You can access this data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on at any time under the hea­ding „Data pri­va­cy“ on our website.





  1. Name and address of the controller

The con­trol­ler for the pro­ces­sing on this web­site is the


För­der­ver­ein PRO ASYL e.V. – Working Group for Refugees

Mosel­stras­se 4

60329 Frank­furt am Main


Tel.: 069/ 24 23 14 – 0

Fax: 069/24 23 14 – 72

E Mail: proasyl@proasyl.de


Legal­ly repre­sen­ted by Dr. Bea­te Wag­ner (Chair­man), Mr. Tim Klie­be (Tre­asurer) and Ms Helen Reze­ne & Mr. Karl Kopp (Mana­ging Directors).


III. Data pri­va­cy officer

Gene­ral inqui­ries regar­ding data pro­tec­tion, such as the exer­cise of your data sub­ject rights, should be sent to the fol­lo­wing e‑mail address, from which your inquiry will be redi­rec­ted to the data pro­tec­tion offi­cer and our data pro­tec­tion team:

If you have any ques­ti­ons about the pro­tec­tion of your data, you can cont­act our data pri­va­cy officer:



Con­fi­den­ti­al data pro­tec­tion inqui­ries can be sent direct­ly to our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer by mail or you may call him. His name and cont­act details are:

Ronald Bara­now­ski (DPO TÜV, exter­nal data pri­va­cy officer)

SIX Daten­schutz GmbH

Kas­se­ler Stra­ße 30

61118 Bad Vilbel


T:  +49 6101 982 94 22

M: +49 170 557 09 38

F:  +49 6101 982 94 24




  1. pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

For tech­ni­cal reasons, the fol­lo­wing data trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored each time you visit our website:


  1. infor­ma­ti­on about the type of brow­ser and the ver­si­on used
  2. your ope­ra­ting system
  3. your inter­net ser­vice provider
  4. your IP address
  5. date and time of access
  6. web­sites from which the user’s sys­tem acces­ses our website.


Our sys­tem stores your per­so­nal data in the log files. This data is not stored with other per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the tem­po­ra­ry pro­ces­sing of the data and the log files is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR, our legi­ti­ma­te interests.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The tem­po­ra­ry pro­ces­sing of your IP address by our sys­tem is neces­sa­ry to enable the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site on your ter­mi­nal device. Fur­ther­mo­re, we use your per­so­nal data to opti­mi­se our web­site and to ensu­re the secu­ri­ty of our IT sys­tems. This also results in our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in data pro­ces­sing. Your data will not be pro­ces­sed for mar­ke­ting purposes.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

The afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data will be dele­ted as soon as they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pro­ces­sing pur­po­se. This is the case with data pro­ces­sing for the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site when you end the respec­ti­ve session.

The log files are dele­ted after seven days. Lon­ger sto­rage is only pos­si­ble if your IP address is dele­ted or ali­en­ated so that it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to draw con­clu­si­ons about your person.






  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and elimination

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to this data pro­ces­sing, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for the pro­vi­si­on of the website.





coo­kie con­sent management

  1. Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

To obtain, mana­ge and opti­mi­se your con­sent to the use of coo­kies and other ser­vices to ope­ra­te our web­site, we use the ser­vice of Borlabs – Ben­ja­min A. Born­schein, Rüben­kamp 32, 22305 Ham­burg (her­ein­af­ter “Borlabs”).


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

We use the ser­vice on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR, as we are legal­ly obli­ged to ensu­re the data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant ope­ra­ti­on of our web­site and its func­tions. Pro­ces­sing out­side the EU does not take place.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

Befo­re the func­tions of the web­site can be ful­ly used, Borlabs obta­ins the neces­sa­ry cons­ents from the user in accordance with data pro­tec­tion law. You have the opti­on to give your con­sent for all ser­vices or only for cer­tain ser­vices. Borlabs mana­ges the­se and you have the right to revo­ke your con­sent at any time. You can adjust your con­sent yours­elf in the so-cal­led pri­va­cy set­tings. The use of this ser­vice requi­res the pro­ces­sing of your IP address and the sto­rage of your pre­fe­ren­ces regar­ding the ser­vices to be used.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of sto­rage, pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and elimination

The data will be stored for the dura­ti­on of your con­sent (until you revo­ke it).



  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We use so-cal­led ses­si­on coo­kies on our web­site, which ser­ve to make our web­site more user-fri­end­ly for you. Coo­kies are small text files that your inter­net brow­ser installs on your end device.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data using coo­kies is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

We use the­se tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies to opti­mi­se the use of the web­site for you. This is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest. Other­wi­se, we would not be able to offer you some of the func­tions of our web­site, such as the shop­ping bas­ket func­tion, as the­se requi­re your web brow­ser to be reco­g­nis­ed after a page change.

We do not use the per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted by tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies to crea­te user profiles.



  1. d) Dura­ti­on of sto­rage, pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and removal

Coo­kies are stored on the user’s com­pu­ter and trans­mit­ted to our site by the user. The­r­e­fo­re, you as a user also have full con­trol over the use of coo­kies. By chan­ging the set­tings in your inter­net brow­ser, you can deac­ti­va­te or rest­rict the trans­mis­si­on of coo­kies. Coo­kies that have alre­a­dy been stored can be dele­ted at any time. This can also be done auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. If coo­kies are deac­ti­va­ted for our web­site, it may no lon­ger be pos­si­ble to use all the func­tions of the web­site to their full extent.


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the opti­on to sub­scri­be to our free news­let­ter. In order to be able to send it to you, we need your email address when you regis­ter. Fur­ther­mo­re, we pro­cess your IP address, the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on. During the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess, your con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is obtai­ned and refe­rence is made to this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on. Your email address will also be trans­mit­ted to our order pro­ces­sor, who will send the newsletter.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data after regis­tra­ti­on for the news­let­ter is the exis­tence of con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing the email address is to send you the news­let­ter. In doing so, we check the email address you have pro­vi­ded to see whe­ther you are actual­ly the actu­al owner or whe­ther the owner of the email address has con­sen­ted to recei­ving the news­let­ter. We pro­cess your IP address as well as the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

Per­so­nal data is dele­ted when it is no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which it was coll­ec­ted becau­se you have unsub­scri­bed. Your e‑mail address will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. Other data coll­ec­ted during the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess, such as your IP address and the date and time of your regis­tra­ti­on, will be dele­ted after seven days as part of our inter­nal tech­ni­cal dele­ti­on cycle.


  1. e) Right of with­dra­wal, Art. 7 GDPR

You can infor­mal­ly revo­ke your con­sent at any time. To do so, use the „unsub­scri­be“ func­tion via the link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.

After receipt of your revo­ca­ti­on, your data used for sen­ding the news­let­ter will be dele­ted immediately.


  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

So-cal­led „web bea­cons“ (track­ing pixels) are inte­gra­ted in our e‑mail news­let­ter. This is a pixel-sized image file that records cer­tain data when you open the news­let­ter, such as the time of retrie­val, your IP address, details of the email pro­gram­me used and which link you fol­lo­wed, and sends it to a ser­ver. The name of the image file is indi­vi­dua­li­sed for each news­let­ter reci­pi­ent by appen­ding a uni­que ID. This enables us to regis­ter which ID belongs to which e‑mail address and to deter­mi­ne which news­let­ter reci­pi­ent has just ope­ned or is rea­ding the e‑mail.

  1. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the use of „web-bea­cons“ is your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.


  1. Pur­po­se of data processing

The track­ing pixels enable us to iden­ti­fy when an email was ope­ned and which link the reci­pi­ent fol­lo­wed. We use this infor­ma­ti­on to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve our news­let­ter and to adapt it to your per­so­nal wis­hes and needs. The­se pur­po­ses are also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We store the data coll­ec­ted through track­ing for a maxi­mum of seven days. After that, the data will be dele­ted. Fur­ther­mo­re, all data coll­ec­ted in con­nec­tion with the track­ing will be dele­ted within seven days at the latest after you have revo­ked the tracking.


  1. e) Right of with­dra­wal, Art. 7 GDPR

You can infor­mal­ly revo­ke your con­sent at any time. To do so, use the „unsub­scri­be“ func­tion via the link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.

After receipt of your revo­ca­ti­on, your data used for sen­ding the news­let­ter will be dele­ted immediately.



  1. contact


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cont­act us via a cor­re­spon­ding form. For this pur­po­se, the infor­ma­ti­on you pro­vi­de in the cont­act form will be trans­mit­ted to us and pro­ces­sed for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your request.


The fol­lo­wing data will be coll­ec­ted at the time of your request:

- Your first and last name

- Your e‑mail address

- Sub­ject and text of the enquiry

- Optio­nal: address and tele­pho­ne number


The fol­lo­wing data is also pro­ces­sed at the time your request is sent:

- Your IP address

- Date and time of sen­ding your request


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for pro­ces­sing the data trans­mit­ted in the cour­se of sen­ding the cont­act form is Art. 6 (1) litt. b and f GDPR, as the data is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res, which are car­ri­ed out at the request of the data sub­ject. In addi­ti­on, we have the legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest to secu­re our­sel­ves in the event that the cont­act opti­ons gran­ted or our IT sys­tems are abu­sed by the contact.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

We pro­cess your per­so­nal data only for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your enquiry.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were processed.


For per­so­nal data that has been sent to us in the con­text of your cont­act via the cont­act form, this is the case when the respec­ti­ve con­ver­sa­ti­on with you has ended. The con­ver­sa­ti­on is ended when it is clear from the cir­cum­s­tances that the mat­ter in ques­ti­on has been clarified.


The addi­tio­nal per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed during the sen­ding pro­cess will be dele­ted after a peri­od of seven days.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty at any time to object to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. In such a case, the con­ver­sa­ti­on can­not be con­tin­ued. Plea­se send your objec­tion to datenschutzbeauftragter(at)proasyl.de. In this case, the per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed during the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on will be deleted.



  1. track­ing for ana­ly­sis and opti­mi­sa­ti­on purposes



  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

This web­site uses func­tions of the web ana­ly­tics ser­vice Goog­le Ana­ly­tics. The pro­vi­der is Goog­le Ire­land Ltd (Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ire­land, her­ein­af­ter: Goog­le Analytics).

Goog­le Ana­ly­tics uses so-cal­led „coo­kies“. The­se are text files that are stored on your com­pu­ter and enable an ana­ly­sis of your use of the website.

The infor­ma­ti­on gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie about your use of the web­site, such as

- Brow­ser type/version,

- ope­ra­ting sys­tem used,

- Refer­rer URL (the pre­vious­ly visi­ted page),

- host name of the acces­sing com­pu­ter (IP address),

- time of the ser­ver request,

are gene­ral­ly trans­fer­red to a Goog­le ser­ver in the USA and stored the­re. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser as part of Goog­le Ana­ly­tics will not be mer­ged with other Goog­le data. We have also exten­ded Goog­le Ana­ly­tics on this web­site with the code „anony­mi­zeIP“. This gua­ran­tees the mas­king of your IP address so that all data is coll­ec­ted anony­mously. Only in excep­tio­nal cases will the full IP address be trans­fer­red to a Goog­le ser­ver in the USA and shor­ten­ed there.

On behalf of the ope­ra­tor of this web­site, Goog­le will use this infor­ma­ti­on for the pur­po­se of eva­lua­ting your use of the web­site, com­pi­ling reports on web­site acti­vi­ty and pro­vi­ding other ser­vices rela­ting to web­site acti­vi­ty and inter­net usa­ge to the web­site ope­ra­tor. You may refu­se the use of coo­kies by sel­ec­ting the appro­pria­te set­tings on your brow­ser, howe­ver plea­se note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­a­li­ty of this website.

You can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of data gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie and rela­ted to your use of the web­site (inclu­ding your IP address) by Goog­le and the pro­ces­sing of this data by Goog­le by down­loa­ding and instal­ling the brow­ser plug-in available at the fol­lo­wing link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de. As an alter­na­ti­ve to the brow­ser add-on, espe­ci­al­ly for brow­sers on mobi­le devices, you can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on this link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which pre­vents the future coll­ec­tion of your data when visi­ting this web­site. The opt-out coo­kie is only valid in this brow­ser and only for our web­site and is stored on your device. If you dele­te the coo­kies in this brow­ser, you must set the opt-out coo­kie again.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on data pro­tec­tion in con­nec­tion with Goog­le Ana­ly­tics can be found, for exam­p­le, in the Goog­le Ana­ly­tics help (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de).

  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of data is your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

We have con­cluded an order pro­ces­sing con­tract with Goog­le and ful­ly imple­ment the strict requi­re­ments of the Ger­man data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties when using Goog­le Analytics.

  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

We use the data obtai­ned to deter­mi­ne how you have used our web­site. This helps us to opti­mi­se the web­site and to con­ti­nu­al­ly impro­ve its user-fri­end­li­ne­ss. The­se pur­po­ses are also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest for pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data.

  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were pro­ces­sed. This is the case after seven days.

  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You can pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on the fol­lo­wing link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which will pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data during future visits to this web­site: Deac­ti­va­te Goog­le Analytics.

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on how Goog­le Ana­ly­tics hand­les user data in Goo­g­le’s pri­va­cy poli­cy: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de.





  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

This web­site uses the Goog­le Tag Mana­ger of Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.

In this con­text, Goog­le Tag Mana­ger stores coo­kies on your com­pu­ter and, inso­far as web track­ing tools are run using Goog­le Tag Mana­ger, ana­ly­ses your sur­fing beha­viour (so-cal­led „track­ing“). This data sent by indi­vi­du­al tags inte­gra­ted in Goog­le Tag Mana­ger is mer­ged, stored and pro­ces­sed by Goog­le Tag Mana­ger under a uni­form user inter­face. All inte­gra­ted „tags“ are lis­ted sepa­ra­te­ly again in this data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on. When using our web­site with acti­va­ted inte­gra­ti­on of tags from Goog­le Tag Mana­ger, data, such as in par­ti­cu­lar your IP address and your user acti­vi­ties, are trans­mit­ted to ser­vers of Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed and pro­ces­sed and stored out­side the Euro­pean Uni­on, e.g. in the USA.

Goog­le will use this infor­ma­ti­on on our behalf for the pur­po­se of eva­lua­ting your visit to this web­site, com­pi­ling reports on web­site acti­vi­ty and pro­vi­ding us with other ser­vices rela­ting to web­site acti­vi­ty and inter­net usa­ge. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser as part of Goog­le Tag Mana­ger will be trans­mit­ted to Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed and will not be mer­ged with any other data held by Goog­le Ire­land Limited.

  1. b) Legal basis for data processing 

The sto­rage and ana­ly­sis of the data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR (your con­sent), eit­her in the con­text of regis­tra­ti­on with Goog­le (ope­ning of a Goog­le account and accep­tance of the data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on imple­men­ted the­re) or, if you have not regis­tered with Goog­le, by expli­cit con­sent when ope­ning our site. You can revo­ke your con­sent at any time.

  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

Goog­le Tag Mana­ger pro­vi­des a tech­ni­cal plat­form for exe­cu­ting and bund­ling other web ser­vices and web track­ing pro­gram­mes by means of so-cal­led „tags“.

  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

We dele­te your per­so­nal data when they are no lon­ger requi­red to achie­ve the pur­po­se for which they were pro­ces­sed. This is the case after seven days.

  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You can pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on the fol­lo­wing link. An opt-out coo­kie will be set, which will pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data during future visits to this web­site: Deac­ti­va­te Goog­le Ana­ly­tics. More infor­ma­ti­ons you may find here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de.




Goog­le Remarketing/Google AdWords/Doubleclick


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We have inte­gra­ted Goog­le Remar­ke­ting ser­vices on our web­site. Goog­le Remar­ke­ting is a func­tion of Goog­le AdWords that enables a com­pa­ny to dis­play adver­ti­se­ments to Inter­net users who have pre­vious­ly visi­ted the com­pany’s web­site. The inte­gra­ti­on of Goog­le Remar­ke­ting thus allows a com­pa­ny to crea­te user-rela­ted adver­ti­sing and con­se­quent­ly to dis­play inte­rest-rele­vant adver­ti­se­ments to the Inter­net user.


The ope­ra­ting com­pa­ny of Goog­le Remarketing/Google AdWords is Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.


Goog­le Remar­ke­ting sets a coo­kie on the infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy sys­tem of the data sub­ject. What coo­kies are has alre­a­dy been explai­ned abo­ve. The coo­kie enables Goog­le to reco­g­ni­se the visi­tor to our web­site when he or she sub­se­quent­ly visits web­sites that are also mem­bers of the Goog­le adver­ti­sing net­work. Each time a web­site is acces­sed on which the Goog­le Remar­ke­ting ser­vice has been inte­gra­ted, the inter­net brow­ser of the per­son con­cer­ned auto­ma­ti­cal­ly iden­ti­fies its­elf to Goog­le. Within the scope of this tech­ni­cal pro­ce­du­re, Goog­le obta­ins know­ledge of per­so­nal data, such as the IP address or the user’s sur­fing beha­viour, which Goog­le uses, among other things, to dis­play inte­rest-rele­vant advertising.


By means of the coo­kie, per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on, such as the web­sites visi­ted by the per­son con­cer­ned, is stored. Each time the data sub­ject visits our web­site, per­so­nal data, inclu­ding the IP address of the inter­net con­nec­tion used by the data sub­ject, is trans­mit­ted to Goog­le in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca (USA). This per­so­nal data is stored by Goog­le in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca. Goog­le may pass on this per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted via the tech­ni­cal pro­ce­du­re to third parties.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out in accordance with your con­sent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR). If you have given your con­sent, you can revo­ke it at any time in the coo­kie settings.



  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pur­po­se of Goog­le Remar­ke­ting is the dis­play of inte­rest-rele­vant adver­ti­sing. Goog­le Remar­ke­ting enables us to dis­play adver­ti­se­ments via the Goog­le adver­ti­sing net­work or to have them dis­play­ed on other Inter­net pages, which are tail­o­red to the indi­vi­du­al needs and inte­rests of Inter­net users.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

The sto­rage peri­od is XXXX months.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR 

The data sub­ject can pre­vent the set­ting of coo­kies by our web­site, as alre­a­dy descri­bed abo­ve, at any time by means of an appro­pria­te set­ting of the Inter­net brow­ser used and thus per­ma­nent­ly object to the set­ting of coo­kies. Such a set­ting of the Inter­net brow­ser used would also pre­vent Goog­le from set­ting a coo­kie on the infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy sys­tem of the data sub­ject. In addi­ti­on, a coo­kie alre­a­dy set by Goog­le Ana­ly­tics can be dele­ted at any time via the inter­net brow­ser or other soft­ware programmes.


Fur­ther­mo­re, the data sub­ject has the opti­on to object to inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing by Goog­le. To do this, the data sub­ject must call up the link www.google.de/settings/ads from any of the inter­net brow­sers he or she uses and make the desi­red set­tings there.


Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and the appli­ca­ble data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons of Goog­le can be found at www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/.





For the gra­phi­cal uni­form dis­play of fonts, we use the fonts of the pro­vi­ders Ado­be Sys­tems Soft­ware Ire­land, 4–6 River­walk, City­west Busi­ness Cam­pus, Dub­lin 24, Ire­land and Goog­le Web­fonts (Goog­le Ire­land Ltd., Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.


Only sta­tic ele­ments are used here. This means that the fonts are loa­ded and instal­led initi­al­ly by us and that no per­so­nal data is requi­red for the ope­ra­ti­on of this ser­vice and is not trans­mit­ted to the pro­vi­ders. If the­se ser­vices were not used sta­ti­cal­ly but dyna­mi­cal­ly, tech­ni­cal data (e.g. your IP address) would be for­ward­ed to the respec­ti­ve ser­vice pro­vi­der for the con­s­truc­tion of the page view and the dis­play of the fonts in your browser.


The use of the abo­ve-men­tio­ned ser­vices is in the inte­rest of a uni­form and appe­al­ing pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our online offers. This repres­ents a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest within the mea­ning of the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.




On our web­site we use the c’t pro­ject „Sha­riff“ deve­lo­ped by Heise.de. Through this, we want to avo­id a com­pre­hen­si­ve coll­ec­tion and eva­lua­ti­on of your visit by pro­vi­ders of social media/social sha­ring func­tions. Sha­riff replaces the usu­al share but­tons of the social net­works and thus pro­tects your sur­fing beha­viour. Sha­riff only inte­gra­tes the share but­tons of the social net­works lis­ted below as gra­phics into our web­site. The gra­phic con­ta­ins a link to the cor­re­spon­ding social network.

Wit­hout the use of Sha­riff, the usu­al social media but­tons would trans­mit your data to the social net­works with every page view and pro­vi­de them with infor­ma­ti­on about your sur­fing beha­viour, regard­less of whe­ther you are log­ged in or a mem­ber of the social net­work. A Sha­riff but­ton, on the other hand, estab­lishes direct cont­act bet­ween the social net­work and you only when you actively click on the Share but­ton. Wit­hout cli­cking the Sha­riff but­ton, no exch­an­ge takes place bet­ween the social net­work and you. In this way, Sha­riff pre­vents you from lea­ving a digi­tal trail sim­ply by visi­ting the website.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the c’t pro­ject „Sha­riff“ is available at http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Shariff-Social-Media-Buttons-mit-Datenschutz2467514.html.

We inte­gra­te the fol­lo­wing social net­works with Sha­riff on our website:

- Face­book components

- Twit­ter recom­men­da­ti­on components

- Insta­gram components

For the pur­po­se and scope of the data coll­ec­tion and the fur­ther pro­ces­sing and use of the data by the pro­vi­ders on their pages, as well as your rights in this regard and set­ting opti­ons for pro­tec­ting your pri­va­cy, plea­se refer to the pro­vi­ders‘ data pro­tec­tion noti­ces at:

- Face­book http://www.facebook.com/policy.php

- Twit­ter https://twitter.com/privacy

- Insta­gram https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388


  1. pos­si­bil­tiy of online dona­ti­on with “FUNDRAISINGBOX”


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On a sub­page of our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dona­te to us by pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data. For the trans­mis­si­on of your pay­ment data, we use the „Fund­rai­sin­g­box“ ser­vice of Wikan­do GmbH, Schieß­gra­benstr. 32, 86150 Augs­burg, Ger­ma­ny. Per­so­nal data requi­red for online dona­ti­ons via the online form are your first and last name, the desi­red form of address, your address, your e‑mail address and your cre­dit card details or bank account details, if you choo­se direct debit, as well as the dona­ti­on amount, the dona­ti­on fre­quen­cy and a key­word for allo­ca­ting the dona­ti­on. Optio­nal­ly, you can enter your tele­pho­ne num­ber, ask for a dona­ti­on receipt and/or sta­te your com­pa­ny if you wish to dona­te on its behalf. This data is stored and pro­ces­sed for us on ser­vers of Wikan­do GmbH so that we can view the dona­ti­on data you ente­red in the online form and pro­vi­de you with a dona­ti­on receipt upon request. Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. With the online dona­ti­on on the web­site, we will also save your IP address and the date and time of sub­mis­si­on of the dona­ti­on form.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the dona­ti­on con­tract that you con­clude with us via the online form. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR.


The legal basis for the coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address and the pro­ces­sing of your data by Wikan­do is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.








  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted when ente­ring the online form are neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the dona­ti­on con­tract, within the frame­work of which the user com­mits to pay­ing a dona­ti­on amount cho­sen by him/herself.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the three-year limi­ta­ti­on peri­od, begin­ning with the end of the year in which you dona­ted to us.

As we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which the dona­ti­on was made.


Your IP address will be dele­ted within seven days after the online dona­ti­on has been made.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to this data pro­ces­sing, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is man­da­to­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with a gift agree­ment in the desi­red form.


  1. pos­si­bi­li­ty of membership
  2. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to beco­me a mem­ber by pro­vi­ding us with your per­so­nal data. Per­so­nal data that we pro­cess by means of the regis­tra­ti­on form are your first and last name, your address, your e‑mail address, your account details and the amount of your mem­ber­ship fee. Fur­ther­mo­re, you have the opti­on to indi­ca­te whe­ther you are a pupil or stu­dent and would like to take advan­ta­ge of a redu­ced mem­ber­ship fee. In addi­ti­on, you can request a dona­ti­on receipt from us by ente­ring the appro­pria­te information.


Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. By regis­tering on this site, we will also store your IP address and the date and time of your registration.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the mem­ber­ship rela­ti­onship that you enter into with us via the regis­tra­ti­on func­tion. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDRP.

The coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.




  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted during regis­tra­ti­on is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the mem­ber­ship relationship.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data. This is also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing. We do not pass on data to third par­ties or compa­re it with data coll­ec­ted by other web­site services.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the limi­ta­ti­on period.


Sin­ce we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which your mem­ber­ship was terminated.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to the pro­ces­sing of the IP address, as it is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with mem­ber­ship in the desi­red form.



  1. par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the signa­tu­re campaign


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

We pro­cess your per­so­nal data for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in our signa­tu­re cam­paigns for the pur­po­se of sub­mis­si­on to the Bun­des­tag. Your first and last name, your address and your e‑mail address are processed.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of the data processing

The pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is car­ri­ed out to pro­tect our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests, which result from our public man­da­te – the pro­tec­tion and safe­guar­ding of refu­gee and human rights.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

Your data will only be pro­ces­sed as long as it is neces­sa­ry for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­ses or as long as legal reten­ti­on peri­ods obli­ge us to pro­cess it. After sub­mis­si­on of the list, the data will be dele­ted after 3 years.


  1. e) Right of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

You have the right to object to pro­ces­sing at any time.




  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. If you do not pro­vi­de the data, we will not be able to include you in the signa­tu­re campaign.


  1. order of articles


  1. a) Descrip­ti­on and scope of data processing

On our web­site, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to order items from us by pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data. Per­so­nal data that is pro­ces­sed when you make an online dona­ti­on using the regis­tra­ti­on form is your first name and sur­na­me, your address, your e‑mail address and optio­nal details such as your tele­pho­ne num­ber or com­pa­ny name if you are pla­cing the order for your company.

Your data will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. When you regis­ter on this site, we will also store your IP address and the date and time of your registration.


  1. b) Legal basis for data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the initia­ti­on and ful­film­ent of the gift or purcha­se con­tract that you con­clude with us via the regis­tra­ti­on func­tion. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR.

The coll­ec­tion and sto­rage of your IP address is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.


  1. c) Pur­po­se of data processing

The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted during regis­tra­ti­on are neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the gift or purcha­se contract.

We pro­cess your IP address for our secu­ri­ty in case a third par­ty regis­ters on our web­site wit­hout your know­ledge or misu­s­es your per­so­nal data. This is also our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­ces­sing. We do not pass on data to third par­ties or compa­re it with data coll­ec­ted by other web­site services.


  1. d) Dura­ti­on of storage

As soon as we no lon­ger need your per­so­nal data for the afo­re­men­tio­ned pur­po­se, it will be dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly. This is usual­ly the case after the expiry of the limi­ta­ti­on period.

Sin­ce we are also sub­ject to sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, your per­so­nal data will be blo­cked after the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons has expi­red and dele­ted after a total of ten years, begin­ning with the end of the calen­dar year in which you pla­ced your order with us.


  1. e) Pos­si­bi­li­ty of objec­tion and rem­oval accor­ding to Art. 21 GDPR

The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to object to the pro­ces­sing of the IP address, as the pro­ces­sing of the data is man­da­to­ry for abu­se pre­ven­ti­on and tracking.


  1. f) Con­se­quen­ces of not pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de your data for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses. Howe­ver, in the event that you refrain from pro­vi­ding it, we can­not gua­ran­tee that we will be able to offer you the bene­fits asso­cia­ted with a gift or purcha­se con­tract in the desi­red form.




  1. your rights as a data subject

If your per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed by us, you are a data sub­ject within the mea­ning of the GDPR, so you have the fol­lo­wing rights vis-à-vis us:



You have the right to request infor­ma­ti­on about your per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed by us at any time. This also includes infor­ma­ti­on about the ori­gin, reci­pi­ents or cate­go­ries of reci­pi­ents to whom we trans­fer your data, as well as the pur­po­ses for which we pro­cess your per­so­nal data.



You have the right to request that we cor­rect and/or com­ple­te your per­so­nal data wit­hout undue delay if your per­so­nal data is inac­cu­ra­te or incomplete.



You may request that we dele­te your per­so­nal data wit­hout delay. We are obli­ged to car­ry out the dele­ti­on wit­hout delay. Some­thing else only appli­es if we are obli­ged to con­ti­nue pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data on the basis of con­trac­tu­al and/or legal regu­la­ti­ons. This is the case, for exam­p­le, if we are pro­hi­bi­ted from dele­ting your data by tax law. In such a case, we rest­rict the pro­ces­sing and dele­te the per­so­nal data in ques­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly after the expiry of the reten­ti­on period.



You have the right to recei­ve the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you that you have pro­vi­ded to us in a struc­tu­red, com­mon and machi­ne-rea­da­ble for­mat, pro­vi­ded that this is tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble. You also have the right to trans­fer this data to ano­ther per­son respon­si­ble wit­hout hin­drance from us, if you so wish.




You have the right not to be sub­ject to a decis­i­on based sole­ly on auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing, which pro­du­ces legal effects con­cer­ning you or simi­lar­ly signi­fi­cant­ly affects you.



You have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty if you con­sider that the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you inf­rin­ges the GDPR. The com­pe­tent super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty for us is:


The Hes­si­an Data Pro­tec­tion Commissioner

Post­fach 3163

65021 Wies­ba­den

E Mail: Poststelle@datenschutz.hessen.de

Tele­pho­ne: +49 611 1408 – 0, Fax: +49 611 1408 – 900.


We will be hap­py to pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­ti­on about the per­so­nal data we have stored about you at any time. Plea­se send us your request by let­ter, e‑mail or fax to the pos­tal address, e‑mail address or fax num­ber given in the imprint. You will then recei­ve writ­ten infor­ma­ti­on immediately.





We reser­ve the right to chan­ge our data pro­tec­tion mea­su­res as far as this beco­mes neces­sa­ry due to tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment or due to chan­ged legis­la­ti­on or juris­dic­tion. In the­se cases, we will also adapt our data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on accor­din­gly. Plea­se the­r­e­fo­re note the cur­rent ver­si­on of our data pro­tec­tion information.


Sta­tus: April 3rd, 2023