PRO ASYL is an indeÂpenÂdent voice raiÂsed for human rights and refuÂgee proÂtecÂtion in GerÂmaÂny and EuroÂpe. Its work is finanÂced soleÂly by memÂberÂship fees, donaÂtiÂons and grants from its founÂdaÂtiÂon / from foundations.
Who we are
PRO ASYL was founÂded in 1986 by memÂbers of refuÂgee counÂcils, churches, trade uniÂons, welÂfaÂre and human rights orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂons. They wanÂted to counÂterÂact the rightÂwing, racist inciÂteÂment to ill feeÂling against asylÂum seeÂkers and to camÂpaign for the proÂtecÂtion of vicÂtims of perÂseÂcuÂtiÂon. TheÂse conÂcerns are just as urgent today.
Our work is made posÂsiÂble by our many sponÂsors, donors and FounÂdaÂtiÂon memÂbers. Thanks to their supÂport we are poliÂtiÂcalÂly and finanÂciÂalÂly indeÂpenÂdent. It is important for PRO ASYL to mainÂtain cloÂse conÂnecÂtions with a strong demoÂcraÂtic, humaÂniÂtaÂriÂan and human rights-oriÂenÂted civil socieÂty. And every year more and more peoÂpÂle supÂport our work for refugees.
The work of PRO ASYL has receiÂved many awards: the BonÂhoefÂfer PriÂze in 1998, the Aachen Peace PriÂze in 2001, the TheoÂdor Heuss Medal in 2008, the speÂcial award of the OsnaÂbrĂĽck Peace PriÂze in 2011 and the GötÂtinÂgen Peace PriÂze in 2012.
An overview of our organisation
PRO ASYL e.V. is a public-beneÂfit assoÂciaÂtiÂon that finanÂces assisÂtance for refuÂgees and secuÂres the indeÂpenÂdent work of PRO ASYL.
The PRO ASYL AdviÂsoÂry CounÂcil has exisÂted sinÂce 1986. It is made up of memÂbers of refuÂgee counÂcils, churches, trade uniÂons, human rights orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂons and welÂfaÂre assoÂciaÂtiÂons for the proÂtecÂtion of refuÂgees and perÂseÂcuÂted perÂsons. It founÂded the supÂport assoÂciaÂtiÂon in 1988.
The PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon enables thoÂse supÂportÂing the work for refuÂgees to place it on a susÂtainable basis through endoÂwing it with subÂstanÂtiÂal gifts or legacies.
RefuÂgee counÂcils are our coopeÂraÂtiÂon partÂners at the level of the GerÂman fedeÂral staÂtes. They accomÂpaÂny initiaÂtiÂves at the local level and keep in contÂact with the perÂsons concerned.
BeyÂond the work in our own orgaÂniÂsaÂtioÂnal strucÂtures, PRO ASYL coopeÂraÂtes with other human and civil rights orgaÂnizaÂtiÂons, playÂing an actiÂve part in netÂworks and coaliÂtiÂons at the GerÂman and EuroÂpean level.