PRO ASYL works across EuroÂpe for the rights of refuÂgees. We are working to chanÂge the EU’s poliÂcy of cloÂsing its exterÂnal borÂders. The human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons that we have uncoÂverÂed in this conÂtext ranÂge from arbiÂtraÂry mass detentiÂons and seveÂre vioÂlence from poliÂce and borÂder guards to the illeÂgal refouÂleÂment (turÂning-away) of thoÂse neeÂding protection.
Documenting human rights violations
In 2008 we starÂted the initiaÂtiÂve “Stop the dying!” to counÂter the EU’S deterÂrence poliÂcy at its exterÂnal borÂders, which was proÂving fatal for thouÂsands of refuÂgees. In Greece we launÂched an aid proÂject to proÂtect and receiÂve refuÂgee minors. TheÂre folÂloÂwed a docuÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of push-backs in Greek-TurÂkiÂsh borÂder areÂas. By phyÂsiÂcalÂly pushing boats back, the Greek coastÂguard was vioÂlaÂting human rights – and also using bruÂte force. Then we starÂted the RefuÂgee SupÂport ProÂgram AegeÂan (RSPA), employÂing lawyÂers, interÂpreÂters, social workers and reseÂarÂches for refuÂgees in Greece.
»On the open sea, the Greek coastÂguard forced us to climb back into our inflataÂble boats. BefoÂre that, they made holes in them with their kniÂves. Every group was hanÂded only one paddÂle. Our shoes were simÂply thrown into the sea.«
In other countÂries on the EU’s exterÂnal borÂder, such as HunÂgaÂry, ItaÂly, Spain and BulÂgaÂria, the refuÂgees freÂquentÂly sufÂfer vioÂlence and depriÂvaÂtiÂon of rights. In addiÂtiÂon, they expeÂriÂence blaÂtant racism, which is now spreÂaÂding in many EuroÂpean countÂries. PRO ASYL invesÂtiÂgaÂtes the situaÂtiÂon on the ground and docuÂments inciÂdents, e.g. in BulÂgaÂria, wheÂre refuÂgees are expoÂsed to torÂtuÂre, inhuÂman and degraÂding treÂatÂment, and theft.
The GerÂman governÂment has overÂnight declared various BalÂkan staÂtes to be safe countÂries of oriÂgin. SinÂce then, peoÂpÂle coming to GerÂmaÂny from theÂse regiÂons have had hardÂly any chanÂce of receiÂving proÂtecÂtion. The ones sufÂfeÂring most are Roma and other ethÂnic minoÂriÂties expoÂsed to represÂsiÂon in their home countÂries. And yet the situaÂtiÂon of minoÂriÂties in the BalÂkans is known in offiÂciÂal quarÂters. DisÂcriÂmiÂnaÂtiÂon and social vioÂlence against Roma is also menÂtioÂned in reports made by the EuroÂpean Commission.
PRO ASYL camÂpaigns for an open EuroÂpean poliÂcy on refuÂgees, based on soliÂdaÂriÂty. They should be able to appÂly for asylÂum in the EU counÂtry of their choice. They urgenÂtly need safe pasÂsaÂges, decent living conÂdiÂtiÂons and fair asylÂum procedures.