The registered association finances the work of PRO ASYL. It gives refugees practical assistance, providing legal assistance and back-up in individual cases. It implements projects, documentation and research. It organises political campaigns, awareness-raising and public relations. And last but not least, it is responsible for connections with national and international human rights groups and aid agencies.
Association PRO ASYL e.V.
Besides the above-mentioned activities, the association is responsible for placing the independent work done by PRO ASYL on a secure basis. The association PRO ASYL e.V. is open to all those wishing to join. We would be glad to welcome you as a member.
At PRO ASYL you can be certain that your donations are used exclusively to support refugees and to carry out projects relating to human rights and refugees. A public-benefit association, PRO ASYL e.V. is non-profit-making.
Do you want to find out more? For a detailed overview of the work of the association PRO ASYL e.V. consult our annual reports (in German).