AdvoÂcaÂting for refuÂgee proÂtecÂtion and human rights is a cenÂtral responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty of our orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon. We interÂveÂne in the public debaÂte in order to oppoÂse racist agiÂtaÂtiÂon with the voice of reason and humaÂniÂty. We issue backÂground brieÂfings on decisÂiÂons releÂvant to refuÂgee poliÂcy and human rights at the GerÂman and EuroÂpean level. We lobÂby in respect to asylÂum poliÂcy legisÂlaÂtiÂon in order to defend the legiÂtiÂmaÂte inteÂrests and needs of refugees.
Standing up for refugee protection
RefuÂgees need a voice: the exeÂcuÂtiÂve board memÂbers, ordiÂnaÂry memÂbers and staff of PRO ASYL take part in debaÂtes, give preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂons and draft speÂciaÂlist and legal opiÂniÂons. They talk to poliÂtiÂcal parÂties and conÂtriÂbuÂte to GerÂman and EuroÂpean instiÂtuÂtiÂons supÂportÂing refuÂgees and their rights. PRO ASYL is a memÂber of the EuroÂpean CounÂcil on RefuÂgees and ExiÂles (ECRE), a EuroÂpe-wide assoÂciaÂtiÂon of 90 non-governÂmenÂtal orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂons to proÂtect refuÂgees and asylum-seekers.
Media and press relaÂtiÂons: with its news and press releases on everÂyÂday poliÂtiÂcal issues PRO ASYL conÂtriÂbuÂtes to forming a criÂtiÂcal civil socieÂty public. We are available to the media to comÂment on refuÂgee and asylÂum poliÂcy issues.
Social media: we conÂtriÂbuÂte to comÂmuÂniÂcaÂting the facts on FaceÂbook, TwitÂter and GoogÂle+ and therÂeby to an open, fair culÂtuÂre of debate.
LeafÂlets, broÂchuÂres, newsÂletÂters: theÂse are anoÂther way of brieÂfing our memÂbers, donors and the public at larÂge about parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly releÂvant issues.
SpeÂciaÂlist publiÂcaÂtiÂons: we keep poliÂtiÂciÂans, assoÂciaÂtiÂons and inteÂresÂted reaÂders inforÂmed by means of comÂpreÂhenÂsiÂve docuÂmenÂtaÂtiÂons and publiÂcaÂtiÂons, in GerÂmaÂny and also at the EuroÂpean level. TheÂse publiÂcaÂtiÂons parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly conÂcern poliÂciÂes regarÂding refuÂgees and human rights, as well as the finer points of asylÂum law.
CamÂpaigns: PRO ASYL impacts on the forÂmaÂtiÂon of public opiÂniÂon with poliÂtiÂcal camÂpaigns and coopeÂraÂtiÂon arranÂgeÂments. Our camÂpaigns focus on human and refuÂgee rights, the EU’s cloÂsed borÂder poliÂcy and oppoÂsiÂtiÂon to racism and rightÂwing extremism.
SecuÂring indeÂpenÂdent finanÂcing: the work of PRO ASYL would be imposÂsiÂble witÂhout our reguÂlar donors and the many peoÂpÂle who give us the occaÂsioÂnal donaÂtiÂon. Our work is almost excluÂsiÂveÂly finanÂced by memÂberÂship fees, donaÂtiÂons and grants from founÂdaÂtiÂons. All supÂport is welcome!