PRO ASYL is an indeÂpenÂdent human rights orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon, funÂded by donaÂtiÂons and memÂberÂship fees. ActualÂly, more than 20.000 peoÂpÂle are contributing.
So pleaÂse get involÂved, too! The annuÂal miniÂmum fee amounts to 40 EUR, for stuÂdents it is 20 EUR. Of courÂse, larÂger sums are welÂcoÂme as well. And bear in mind: The more supÂportÂers, the more refuÂgees may be spared an inhuÂmaÂne fate:
IBAN: DE70 3702 0500 5050 5050 50 | Bank fĂĽr SoziÂalÂwirtÂschaft Köln | BIC: BFSWDE33XXX