
First deployment with fast boat: Maldusa network supports around 100 people in the Mediterranean

Last weekend, the fast boat ‘Maldusa’ was able to assist around one hundred people on their arrival in Lampedusa during its first missions in the central Mediterranean. The boat will be used to support people seeking protection, provide initial material aid and document human rights violations. It is operated by the civil society welcome network of the same name with locations in Lampedusa and Palermo. The project is supported by United4Rescue, PRO ASYL and medico international.

Broad alliance calls for protection/asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

by Con­nec­tion e.V. und PRO ASYL In a joint appeal to the Ger­man par­lia­ment, a broad civil socie­ty alli­ance calls on the Bun­des­tag and the Ger­man govern­ment to grant pro­tec­tion and asyl­um to Rus­si­an and Bela­ru­si­an as well as Ukrai­ni­an con­sci­en­tious objec­tors and deser­ters. Ger­ma­ny and all other EU count­ries must take in the­se peo­p­le fle­e­ing