The staff at the PRO ASYL head office orgaÂniÂsÂes its actiÂviÂties and initiatives.
Head Office
The PRO ASYL head office is responÂsiÂble for adviÂsing refuÂgees and their relaÂtiÂves, poliÂtiÂcal advoÂcaÂcy and parÂtiÂciÂpaÂtiÂon in poliÂcy-making bodies, media relaÂtiÂons, natioÂnal and interÂnaÂtioÂnal asylÂum law and legal poliÂcy anaÂlyÂses, netÂworÂking and coopeÂraÂtiÂon across EuroÂpe, natioÂnal and interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂject planÂning and coorÂdiÂnaÂtiÂon, webÂsite and social media updates, poliÂtiÂcal camÂpaigÂning as well as memÂberÂship driÂves, serÂvices for supÂportÂers, memÂbers and donors.