
Thou­sands of refu­gees from Tuni­sia have rea­ched the Ita­li­an island of Lam­pe­du­sa. PRO ASYL demands that boat peo­p­le are recei­ved in a huma­ne way, which needs to be sup­port­ed by Euro­pe. Given the insta­ble situa­ti­on, appli­ca­ti­ons for asyl­um need to be con­side­red careful­ly. In order to sup­port a demo­cra­tic tran­si­ti­on, ways for regu­lar migra­ti­on need to be established.

“The Euro­pean Uni­on now has the chan­ce to take the side of the pro-demo­cra­cy move­ment in nor­t­hern Afri­ca and of human rights. Having col­la­bo­ra­ted with cor­rupt dic­ta­tors in the regi­on for years, set­ting up an inhu­man regime of refu­gee deflec­tion, Euro­pe may not con­ti­nue this fatal and bigo­ted poli­cy against refu­gees and migrants”, says Karl Kopp, PRO ASYL’s direc­tor of Euro­pean Affairs.

The secu­ri­ty situa­ti­on in Tuni­sia remains unsta­ble. Shoo­tings around the pre­si­den­ti­al palace and the natio­nal bank were repor­ted during the weekend. It is still to be estab­lished who holds power within the coun­try. In this con­ti­nuous­ly inse­cu­re situa­ti­on, Tuni­si­ans lea­ving their coun­try must not be retur­ned wit­hout assess­ment of their claims.

The revo­lu­tio­na­ry events in nor­t­hern Afri­ca bring to mind the fall of the “iron curtain” in 1989. Many peo­p­le from eas­tern Euro­pe made use of their new­ly found free­dom to lea­ve the cir­cum­s­tances in their count­ries behind. Howe­ver, the num­ber of migrants and refu­gees from the regi­on never rea­ched num­bers of mil­li­ons as was fore­seen then.

Ita­ly needs sup­port. Howe­ver, rhe­to­ric of emer­gen­cy is uncal­led for. Ita­ly has hel­ped the topp­led regime of Ben Ali for years to con­s­truct detenti­on cen­ters, and to seal off its bor­ders. In this con­text it beco­mes clear that the demand to deploy Ita­li­an poli­ce or a new Fron­tex mis­si­on in Tuni­sia, as sta­ted by the Ita­li­an Inte­ri­or Minis­ter, Rober­to Maro­ni, is seen as a pro­vo­ca­ti­on. A repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the tran­si­to­ry Tuni­si­an govern­ment, Taï­eb Bac­couche, has alre­a­dy rebu­ked the pro­po­si­ti­on and cla­ri­fied its back­ground, cal­ling Mr. Maro­ni a figurehead of the extre­me and racist Ita­li­an right.

PRO ASYL’s posi­ti­on is that the call for demo­cra­tiza­ti­on in the regi­on needs to be backed up by a fun­da­men­tal revi­si­on of Europe’s coope­ra­ti­on with nor­t­hern Afri­can sta­tes. Tuni­sia needs every pos­si­bly sup­port the EU can offer on its way to Demo­cra­cy. This includes mea­su­res of imme­dia­te huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid as well as an offer for regu­lar migra­ti­on programs.

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