
In the decis­i­on, the Inte­ri­or Minis­try notes that even though the­re are some impro­ve­ments through reforms, the tre­at­ment of asyl­um see­kers in Greece still does not mea­su­re up to Euro­pean stan­dards. At the same time, the minis­try sta­tes that the Dub­lin sys­tem remains a high prio­ri­ty for the EU and that Ger­ma­ny will sup­port the deve­lo­p­ment of a sys­tem that can func­tion properly.

Pro Asyl has wel­co­med this decis­i­on as a step into the right direc­tion but under­li­ned that this impli­es that only tho­se who mana­ge to lea­ve Greece and reach Ger­ma­ny on their own will get a chan­ce to escape the despe­ra­te situa­ti­on facing refu­gees there.

Accor­ding to PRO ASYL, becau­se of the inhu­ma­ne living con­di­ti­ons that refu­gees must endu­re, it isn’t enough to stop depor­ta­ti­ons to Greece: “The­re is urgent need for Euro­pe to res­cue tho­se see­king pro­tec­tion. Ger­ma­ny should pro-actively trans­fer and recei­ve refu­gees from Greece, par­ti­cu­lar­ly tho­se who are most vul­nerable.”, said ProAsyl.

“The­re is no pro­tec­tion sys­tem for asyl­um see­kers in Greece. Refu­gees are still being detai­ned under com­ple­te­ly inhu­ma­ne con­di­ti­ons, often for months. Among­st them are many unac­com­pa­nied minors. Upon release from the detenti­on cen­tres, refu­gees are left to fend for them­sel­ves and often end up in desti­tu­ti­on and home­l­ess­ness. The mise­ry of refu­gees is aggrava­ted by the eco­no­mic and social cri­sis in Greece”, argues Pro Asyl.

Pro­Asyl also cal­led on the Ger­man govern­ment to stop blo­cking the reform of the Dub­lin-sys­tem. Becau­se of the Dub­lin Regu­la­ti­on, refu­gees can only app­ly for asyl­um in the first Euro­pean coun­try they enter and the respon­si­bi­li­ty to pro­tect refu­gees is being shifted to the count­ries at the EU’s exter­nal bor­ders. Pro­Asyl stres­ses that this sys­tem is com­ple­te­ly void of soli­da­ri­ty and pro­vo­kes con­flict bet­ween Mem­ber Sta­tes with refu­gees bea­ring the brunt.

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