Sea resÂcue and the fight for human rights per phoÂne: For their tireÂless efforts/commitment on behalf of peoÂpÂle seeÂking proÂtecÂtion who find themÂselÂves in distress in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan, the PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon is awarÂding its 2020/21 Human Rights PriÂze to MariÂon BayÂer (Hanau), Hela KanaÂkaÂne (Tunis) and Hagen Kopp (Hanau) from Watch the Med – Alarm Phone.
The three winÂners will receiÂve the award on behalf of the transÂnaÂtioÂnal netÂwork Alarm PhoÂne, which opeÂraÂtes a hotÂline for peoÂpÂle seeÂking proÂtecÂtion who find themÂselÂves in distress in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan Sea.
The award will be preÂsenÂted on SaturÂday, 28 August, in Frankfurt/Main. MoreoÂver, the ceremÂoÂny can be watÂched online via live stream on the Foundation’s YouÂTube channel.
For seven years, the over 200 Alarm PhoÂne memÂbers, on both sides of the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan, have been volÂunÂtÂaÂriÂly ansÂweÂring emerÂgenÂcy calls from peoÂpÂle who find themÂselÂves in distress on the periÂlous rouÂte across the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan to EuroÂpe in unseaÂworÂtÂhy boats: 24 hours, seven days a week – witÂhout any break.
In contÂact with more than 3,700 boats
SinÂce its founÂding in 2014, Alarm PhoÂne actiÂvists have been in contÂact with more than 3,700 boats and have tried everÂyÂthing – in often despeÂraÂte situaÂtions – to resÂcue peoÂpÂle in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan. The netÂworÂk’s volÂunÂteers do not run resÂcue ships themÂselÂves, but alert the coast guard, civiÂliÂan resÂcue ships, and nearÂby carÂgo ships and tanÂkers as soon as they receiÂve a call from peoÂpÂle in distress at sea.
The Alarm PhoÂne docuÂments the failÂure to save lives, sysÂteÂmaÂtic human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons, push-backs in vioÂlaÂtiÂon of interÂnaÂtioÂnal law, and the return of thouÂsands of boat peoÂpÂle to LibyÂan detentiÂon and torÂtuÂre camps.
ConÂfronÂted with the voices of peoÂpÂle in fear of their lives
In the proÂcess, Alarm PhoÂne volÂunÂteers are always conÂfronÂted with the voices of peoÂpÂle in fear of their lives. WitÂhout the Alarm PhoÂne, many blaÂtant human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons and deaths would not be publicly known. The Alarm PhoÂne reconÂsÂtructs and docuÂments hundreds of deaths through the tesÂtiÂmoÂnies and calls of relaÂtiÂves and surÂviÂvors of boat acciÂdents, as well as local fishermen.
„The human rights award honoÂurs three peoÂpÂle who conÂsisÂtÂentÂly defend the right to life. The work of the Alarm PhoÂne is of outÂstanÂding importance, becauÂse the EU and its memÂber staÂtes are appÂlyÂing anti-refuÂgee meaÂsuÂres in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan and a poliÂcy of letÂting peoÂpÂle die,“ says Karl Kopp, board memÂber of the founÂdaÂtiÂon and head of the EuroÂpean departÂment of PRO ASYL. InterÂnaÂtioÂnal law is thrown overÂboard – along with the thouÂsands of peoÂpÂle who periÂsh every year while tryÂing to reach EuroÂpe by sea.
Due to the coroÂna restÂricÂtions PRO ASYL was unable to honour the three priÂze-winÂners in perÂson last year. That will be caught up with this year.
TineÂke Strik, MemÂber of the EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment, will give the tribute
The award ceremÂoÂny will take place on SaturÂday, 28 August, startÂing from 15.30 pm at the KunstÂverÂein FamiÂlie MonÂtez, HonÂsellÂstraÂĂźe 7, 60314 Frankfurt/Main, at the HafenÂpark at the OstÂhaÂfen. TineÂke Strik, MemÂber of the EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment, will give the tribute.
SinÂce 2006, the PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon has awardÂed the human rights priÂze annuÂalÂly to actors who have made an outÂstanÂding conÂtriÂbuÂtiÂon to the respect of human rights and the proÂtecÂtion of refuÂgees. The priÂze is endoÂwed with 5,000 euros and the sculpÂtuÂre of the PRO ASYL hand by the artist AriÂel AusÂlenÂder, proÂfesÂsor at the TechÂniÂcal UniÂverÂsiÂty of DarmÂstadt. This year it is endoÂwed with 10,000 euros.
JourÂnaÂlists are welÂcoÂme to attend the award ceremÂoÂny. RegisÂtraÂtiÂon is necesÂsaÂry at
The event will also be live streamed:
EngÂlish stream:
GerÂman stream: