Helpful Links for Refugees
A lot of useful information for refugees in Germany is available, especially on the internet. We present some of these websites to give an overview about different topics concerning migrants in Germany.

Even when we try to check the linÂked webÂsites shortÂly, we can’t guaÂranÂtee for quaÂliÂty and corÂrectÂness of the preÂsenÂted inforÂmaÂtiÂon. The linÂked webÂsites aren’t manaÂged by PRO ASYL, theÂrÂeÂfoÂre we don’t have any influence on conÂtents or changes.
Last updated: 12.10.2023
Short ansÂwers to the main quesÂtiÂons conÂcerÂning the asylÂum proÂcess are given by DeutÂscher AnwaltÂverÂein in EngÂlish (pdf) und AraÂbic (pdf).
„HandÂbook GerÂmaÂny“ presÂents geneÂral inforÂmaÂtiÂon in difÂfeÂrent lanÂguages (e.g. AlbaÂniÂan, AraÂbic, FarÂsi, TigÂriÂnya)
Some hints for first oriÂenÂtaÂtiÂon in GerÂmaÂny are preÂsenÂted by „RefuÂgee GuiÂde“ in some lanÂguages, for examÂpÂle AraÂbic, AlbaÂniÂan, PashÂto, Dari or TigÂriÂnya.
On the webÂsite „Asyl in DeutschÂland“ you can find an inforÂmaÂtiÂve film for refuÂgees with tips and advice for the interÂview at the BunÂdesÂamt fĂĽr MigraÂtiÂon und FlĂĽchtÂlinÂge (BAMF). The film has been transÂlaÂted into 10 difÂfeÂrent lanÂguages incluÂding AraÂbic, AlbaÂniÂan, EngÂlish, KurÂmanÂji and Farsi.
InforÂmaÂtiÂonsÂverÂbund Asyl & MigraÂtiÂon gives inforÂmaÂtiÂon for the heaÂrings in the asylÂum proÂcess, for examÂpÂle in AlbaÂniÂan, BosÂniÂan, KurÂmanÂji, AraÂbic, EngÂlish or PerÂsiÂan. (PDF – files)
HelÂpful advice for opeÂning a bank account is given here in EngÂlish and AraÂbic.
InforÂmaÂtiÂon about cheap posÂsiÂbiÂliÂties for mobiÂle comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon is preÂsenÂted by StifÂtung WarenÂtest in EngÂlish (pdf-downÂload) and AraÂbic (pdf-downÂload).
The platÂform „WefuÂgee“ gives refuÂgees the opporÂtuÂniÂty to ask quesÂtiÂons on many difÂfeÂrent topics.
On you can find detailÂed inforÂmaÂtiÂon regarÂding the right to asylÂum for lesÂbiÂans and gays, a list for regioÂnal contÂact points and many other useful links about the LGBTIQ topic.
The GoeÂthe-InstiÂtuÂte proÂviÂdes an overÂview over posÂsiÂbiÂliÂties to learn GerÂman in EngÂlish, French and AraÂbic. TheÂre is also their own online-courÂse, also available in EngÂlish.
Some chapÂters of the GerÂman-AraÂbic dicÂtionÂaÂry (pdf) from LanÂgenÂscheidt-VerÂlag have been made available for free.
In addiÂtiÂon to stanÂdard dicÂtioÂnÂaÂries offers a larÂge collÂecÂtion of phraÂses for difÂfeÂrent topics like appliÂcaÂtiÂons or busiÂness corÂreÂsponÂdence in many languages.
TransÂlaÂtiÂons for basic terms can be found under SeveÂral lanÂguages are conÂtaiÂned, for examÂpÂle AraÂbic, KurÂdish, Urdu, PashÂtu, Dari, Tigrinya.
Some basic terms are transÂlaÂted and illusÂtraÂted also in the picÂtuÂre dicÂtionÂaÂry (pdf) of „Deutsch-AraÂbiÂsche Freundschaftsgesellschaft“.
The webÂsite of DeutÂsche WelÂle exists in over 30 lanÂguages (AlbaÂniÂan, AmhaÂric, AraÂbic, BenÂgaÂli, Dari, HinÂdi, PashÂto, Urdu and more – lanÂguage can be chanÂged under the link „ in 30 lanÂguages“, on the right upper side of the site) and has published its own porÂtal to learn German.

„LanÂguage TransÂfer“ has put their comÂpleÂte courÂse GerÂman online.
AlmaÂni Be FarÂsi offers over 300 GerÂman lecÂtures for FarÂsi speaÂking people.
EspeÂciÂalÂly for araÂbic-speaÂking peoÂpÂle theÂre is a low-thresÂhold GerÂman courÂse, which is preÂsenÂted on YouÂtube and is also approÂpriaÂte for alphabetization.
The proÂject „WelÂcoÂme GrooÂves“ has published some GerÂman lesÂsons as audio files. AddiÂtioÂnalÂly the conÂtent has been transÂlaÂted in writÂten form in many difÂfeÂrent lanÂguages, incluÂding for examÂpÂle EngÂlish, French, AraÂbic, PashÂto, Urdu, TigÂriÂnya, SomaÂli, Hausa and AlbaÂniÂan (PDF – files).
Access to inteÂgraÂtiÂon courses
After being entitÂled to asylÂum, an inteÂgraÂtiÂon courÂse is obliÂgaÂtoÂry in GerÂmaÂny. Through a postÂcode-search you can find an orgaÂniÂzer nearÂby here.

TesÂtAS is an assessÂment test that examiÂnes both the geneÂral and subÂject-relaÂted abiliÂties for acaÂdeÂmic stuÂdies. It assists refuÂgees in conÂtiÂnuing or startÂing acaÂdeÂmic stuÂdies in GerÂmaÂny. UniÂverÂsiÂties use TesÂtAS indiÂviÂduÂalÂly or as part of uni-assist’s docuÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon-examiÂnaÂtiÂon proÂceÂduÂre for refugees. espeÂciÂalÂly addresÂses refuÂgees and employÂers which want to hire them. Requests and offers can be published there.
socialÂbee is a platÂform for refuÂgees to enter the GerÂman labor market.
Jobs, paid internÂships and appÂrenÂtiÂceÂship places can be found on „careers4refugees“.
TheÂre is an own cateÂgoÂry „Job offers for refuÂgees“ at the porÂtal „JobÂbörÂse“
„hr-inteÂgraÂte“ wants to help refuÂgees to find an approÂpriaÂte occuÂpaÂtiÂon in GerÂmaÂny with supÂport of professionals.
Kiron UniÂverÂsiÂty is an online uniÂverÂsiÂty speÂciÂfiÂcalÂly for refuÂgees. DonaÂtiÂons make it posÂsiÂble for refuÂgees to stuÂdy here. DetailÂed inforÂmaÂtiÂon in EngÂlish is available here.
Many GerÂman uniÂverÂsiÂties have estabÂlished proÂgrams for refuÂgees or offer the posÂsiÂbiÂliÂty to attend lecÂtures as a guest.
The GerÂman AcaÂdeÂmic ExchÂanÂge SerÂvice (DAAD) impleÂments various proÂgrams and meaÂsuÂres with uniÂverÂsiÂties and partÂner orgaÂnizaÂtiÂons to supÂport refuÂgees at GerÂman uniÂverÂsiÂties and offers extenÂsiÂve information.
The FedeÂral MinisÂtry of EduÂcaÂtiÂon and ReseÂarch also proÂviÂdes helÂpful inforÂmaÂtiÂon and an overÂview of stuÂdy opporÂtuÂniÂties for refugees.
Many online offers in eduÂcaÂtiÂon-secÂtor are preÂsenÂted by HochÂschulÂfoÂrum DigiÂtaÂliÂsieÂrung in EngÂlish & AraÂbic.
In GerÂmaÂny theÂre are various local initiaÂtiÂves for RefuÂgee Aid, they often help with admiÂnisÂtraÂtiÂve and bureauÂcraÂtic issues, give lecÂtures in GerÂman for free, offer leiÂsuÂre actiÂviÂties or orgaÂniÂze flats for refugees.
Find out from the refuÂgee counÂcils what indeÂpenÂdent strucÂtures alreÂaÂdy exist locally.
TheÂre is the posÂsiÂbiÂliÂty of an „First Aid“-Contact at PRO ASYL via mail. An overÂview about conÂsulÂting cenÂtres in the fedeÂral staÂtes can be found on the webÂsites of the fedeÂral migraÂtiÂon counÂcils.

All across GerÂmaÂny, DiaÂkoÂniÂsches Werk has conÂsulÂting cenÂtres, some of them can help in migraÂtiÂon-issues. Here they give an overÂview, wheÂre conÂsulÂtaÂtiÂon for migrants is offered.
In 24 GerÂman cities, JugendÂmiÂgraÂtiÂonsÂdienst has starÂted a proÂject for young refuÂgees (12 – 27 years old). A map with all locaÂtiÂons can be found here.
This video shows what to do, if you’re an asylÂum-seeÂker and you’ve got to go to the doctor.
When you’re going to the docÂtor, you will find transÂlaÂtiÂons for basic terms in a GoogÂle-Sheet, made by RefuÂgee PhrasÂeÂbook. Available lanÂguages are for examÂpÂle: AlbaÂniÂan, AraÂbic, Dari, FarÂsi, PashÂto, SoraÂni, Kurmanji.
TransÂlaÂtiÂons of anaÂmneÂsis- and examiÂnaÂtiÂon-tranÂscripts in many lanÂguages can be found on They creaÂted a health-broÂchuÂre (pdf) as well, which can be prinÂted and carÂriÂed to the docÂtor for an easier conÂverÂsaÂtiÂon. It includes transÂlaÂtiÂons in AlbaÂniÂan, AraÂbic, Dari, FarÂsi, Urdu and Tigrinya.
A descripÂtiÂve quesÂtiÂonÂnÂaire Deutsch /Arabisch (pdf) has been creaÂted by “PharÂmaÂzeuÂtiÂsche Zeitung”
PeoÂpÂle witÂhout papers, for examÂpÂle refuÂgees witÂhout resiÂdence staÂtus get unbuÂreauÂcraÂtic and free help in so-calÂled “MediÂbĂĽÂros” in many GerÂman cities.
For vicÂtims of torÂtuÂre and trauÂmaÂtiÂzed refuÂgees theÂre are psycho-social cenÂtres, which help in a proÂfesÂsioÂnal way. TheÂre are thirÂty of theÂse cenÂtres all across GerÂmaÂny.

The proÂject „RefuÂgees WelÂcoÂme“ helps refuÂgees to get empÂty rooms in shared flats all over GerÂmaÂny. It exists in Greece, PorÂtuÂgal, PolÂand, SweÂden, AusÂtria, The NetÂherÂlands and Spain as well.
RefuÂgee Radio offers daiÂly news for refuÂgees in GerÂmaÂny (AraÂbic and EngÂlish). Available online or live via NDR (Mo.-Fr., 11:55 AM/PM).
EspeÂciÂalÂly for childÂren: „SenÂdung mit der Maus“ interÂnaÂtioÂnal. A famous GerÂman TV proÂgram for Kids has now published some conÂtents in AraÂbic, KurÂdish and Dari.
“PhaÂse 6“ is an appliÂcaÂtiÂon for learÂning GerÂman – espeÂciÂalÂly for childÂren with no GerÂman lanÂguage skills (iOS & Android).

DiaÂkoÂnie NieÂderÂsachÂsen launÂched an Android-App in more than 50 lanÂguages helÂping refuÂgees to learn German.
For AraÂbic-speaÂking refuÂgees, this lanÂguage learÂning app is for free (iOS).
“WelÂcoÂme App” has been published recentÂly. They want to proÂviÂde useful, local inforÂmaÂtiÂon directÂly to your mobiÂle phoÂne. Step by step, more and more cities shall be included (iOS & Android)
InforÂmaÂtiÂon for refuÂgees arriÂving in GerÂmaÂny is given by “RefuÂgerÂmaÂny”, available for iOS and Android.
Fare-NetÂwork against racism in footÂball has an EuroÂpe-wide data base, wheÂre some GerÂman proÂjects and clubs are included also. TheÂre are some speÂcial offers or teams for refuÂgees. If there’s no club in your regiÂon: Many other sport- and footÂball-clubs welÂcoÂme refuÂgees also!

If famiÂly or friÂends are still on the way through EuroÂpe and in trouÂble: The (very detailÂed) ELEÂNA-Index (pdf) of EuroÂpean CounÂcil on RefuÂgees and ExiÂles offer a good overÂview about helÂpful contÂacts in difÂfeÂrent EuroÂpean countries.
In cases of distress at sea on the way through MediÂterÂraÂneÂan Sea, the Watch The Med-AlarmÂphoÂne helps. InforÂmaÂtiÂon is available in difÂfeÂrent lanÂguages (at the botÂtom of the website).
The TraÂcing SerÂvices of the NatioÂnal Red Cross SocieÂties try to help famiÂlies who have lost their relaÂtiÂves on the run to reconÂnect with them.