Greek Hotspots: Deaths Not to Be Forgotten

In an extensive policy paper, the team of Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) in Greece has observed that in numerous cases of refugee deaths at the hotspots on Greek islands, the Greek authorities have undertaken little or no investigation, turning the hotspots into an institutional gray zone.
SinÂce NovemÂber 2016, a numÂber of peoÂpÂle resiÂding or preÂsent at hotÂspots in LesÂvos, ChiÂos and Samos have been seriousÂly harÂmed or even kilÂled in a series of acciÂdents or other traÂgic events. RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan (RSA) has reseÂarÂched on wheÂther and in what way the autÂhoÂriÂties folÂloÂwed up such cases, idenÂtiÂfied responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty and impoÂsed penÂalÂties if necessary.
Focus on cases of refugee deaths in hotspots
RSA outÂlines seveÂral deaths of refuÂgees in Greek hotÂspots that have been only poorÂly invesÂtiÂgaÂted or not invesÂtiÂgaÂted at all, such as the traÂgic death of a woman and a child kilÂled after a porÂtaÂble cooÂking gas stoÂve exploÂded insiÂde a tent, setÂting on fire parts of the Moria hotÂspot on the island of LesÂvos or seveÂral deaths due to winÂterizaÂtiÂon failÂures on the islands of LesÂvos and Samos in JanuÂary 2017.
Poor investigation of fatal incidents
The report shows that the Greek autÂhoÂriÂties are incaÂpaÂble of folÂloÂwing up theÂse and other fatal inciÂdents at hotÂspots on the Greek islands. In most insÂtances, invesÂtiÂgaÂtiÂons have been penÂding for a long periÂod of time or have simÂply ground to a halt due to admiÂnisÂtraÂtiÂve red tape, acuÂte lack of poliÂtiÂcal will and a comÂpliÂcaÂted bureauÂcraÂtic enviÂronÂment that hamÂpers the autÂhoÂriÂties’ abiliÂty to insÂtiÂgaÂte such inquiries.
EU’s lack of responsibility
The preÂsence or involÂvement of EU autÂhoÂriÂties on the ground has not helÂped to improÂve the conÂdiÂtiÂons for the refuÂgees kept in the hotÂspots. The report idenÂtiÂfies serious hanÂdiÂcaps regarÂding evaÂluaÂtiÂon and planÂning in relaÂtiÂon with secuÂriÂty and safeÂty, as well as the absence of stanÂdard opeÂraÂtiÂon proÂceÂduÂres for long periÂods of time.
Conditions remain hazardous
RSA conÂcludes that the poor invesÂtiÂgaÂtiÂon on behalf of the Greek autÂhoÂriÂties and EU’s lack of responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty for the refuÂgees in the hotÂspots perÂpeÂtuaÂtes the hazarÂdous conÂdiÂtiÂons and impuÂniÂty for admiÂnisÂtraÂtiÂve failÂures, turÂning hotÂspots on the Greek islands into sites within an instiÂtuÂtioÂnal gray zone.
Read the full poliÂcy paper »Greek HotÂspots: Deaths Not to Be ForÂgotÂten« here.
RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan (RSA) is a non-proÂfit orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon in supÂport of refuÂgees. The RSA team in Athens, on LesÂbos and ChiÂos moniÂtors human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons and offers legal aid and social supÂport for asylÂum seeÂkers and refuÂgees. RSA is the impleÂmenÂting partÂner of the FounÂdaÂtiÂon PRO ASYL proÂject RSPA (RefuÂgee SupÂport ProÂgram Aegean).