One year since the EU-Turkey Statement: refugees trapped in a buffer zone
A policy note of the RSA team and partner of PRO ASYL in Greece lays open the fatal consequences the EU-Turkey-deal has had for refugees in the twelve months since its implementation.
The EU-TurÂkey StateÂment (»EU-TurÂkey deal«) that came into force on March 20th 2016 has transÂforÂmed the socio-poliÂtiÂcal dynaÂmics chaÂracÂteÂriÂzing the so-calÂled refuÂgee criÂsis narÂraÂtiÂve as well as the funcÂtion of the EU-hotÂspots on the Greek islands. It proÂduÂced a new staÂtus quo regarÂding deveÂloÂpÂments of refuÂgee and migraÂtiÂon diploÂmaÂcy in the regiÂon and beyÂond, as well as on the ground.
Refugees in limbo
The EU-TurÂkey deal had direct and subÂstanÂtiÂal reperÂcusÂsions on about 14,000 refuÂgees that have becoÂme its subÂjects in March. RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan (RSA) memÂbers have for months moniÂtoÂred deveÂloÂpÂments on the islands of LesÂbos, ChiÂos, Leros, Kos and Samos. The deal has turÂned the Greek islands into a bufÂfer zone wheÂre refuÂgees in limÂbo are struggÂling to surÂviÂve amidst the deteÂrioÂraÂtiÂon of living conÂdiÂtiÂons. Serious malÂfuncÂtion and instruÂmenÂtaÂlizaÂtiÂon of asylÂum proÂceÂduÂres based on poliÂtiÂcal conÂsideÂraÂtiÂons leaÂve the most vulÂnerable of them expoÂsed to acuÂte weaÂther conÂdiÂtiÂons, exploÂitaÂtiÂon, vioÂlence and seveÂre abuse.
European »Nauru islands«
Lives have been lost in the EU-hotÂspots due to poliÂtiÂcal impeÂraÂtiÂves and no one took responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty for theÂse deaths. MeanÂwhile local socieÂties on the islands have been used so far as EuroÂpean »NauÂru islands« with the tenÂsiÂons betÂween locals and refuÂgees escalaÂting over the last few months and increÂasing xenoÂphoÂbia and racism among the locals.
The RSA team in Greece
RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan (RSA) is a non-proÂfit orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon in supÂport of refuÂgees. The RSA team in Athens, on LesÂbos and ChiÂos moniÂtors human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons and offers legal aid and social supÂport for asylÂum seeÂkers and refuÂgees. RSA is the impleÂmenÂting partÂner of the FounÂdaÂtiÂon PRO ASYL proÂject RSPA (RefuÂgee SupÂport ProÂgram Aegean).