
Con­ti­nua­tion of irre­spon­si­ble deportations

PRO ASYL: The his­to­ri­cal respon­si­bi­li­ty is denied 

The read­mis­si­on agree­ments signed by Ger­ma­ny and Koso­vo have lega­li­zed what has alre­a­dy been irre­spon­si­ble prac­ti­ce – the depor­ta­ti­on to Koso­vo of mem­bers of mino­ri­ties (Roma, Ash­ka­li and others), who will have to deal with mas­si­ve dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and a life at the side­lines of dum­ping grounds.

PRO ASYL con­siders the depor­ta­ti­ons of Roma peo­p­le unac­coun­ta­ble espe­ci­al­ly seen in the con­text of Ger­ma­nys’ his­to­ri­cal respon­si­bi­li­ty. Hundreds of thou­sands were vic­tims of the Holo­caust, a gre­at many of them in the Bal­kans. Ger­ma­ny has not accept­ed its con­se­quent moral obligation.

Not only NGOs, but also high-level repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Koso­var govern­ment have poin­ted out to dif­fi­cul­ties ari­sing from the depor­ta­ti­on to the coun­try. The Koso­var Minis­ter of Labour and Social Affairs, Nenad Rasic, made clear in an inter­view given to the ZDF in Janu­ary, why Koso­vo had to sub­mit to Ger­man interests.

Con­ces­si­ons in terms of read­mis­si­on were „one of the con­di­ti­ons, to talk about the various aspects of coope­ra­ti­on in respect of Kosovo´s fur­ther future in the first place.“ Assis­tance for the new arri­vals have been difficult.

Sin­ce last sum­mer mem­bers of the Roma mino­ri­ty are to be depor­ted to Koso­vo. About 10,000 Koso­vo Roma still living here are threa­ten­ed by depor­ta­ti­on. Due to the limi­ta­ti­on of 2,500 depor­ta­ti­ons per year it looks like the sword of Dam­o­cles will be han­ging over the Koso­vo Romas for seve­ral years.

“The­re will be no mass depor­ta­ti­ons”, sta­ted de Mai­ziè­re. What is meant by his pro­pa­ga­ted poli­cy of gra­du­al return, beco­mes obvious every month at the air­ports of Dues­sel­dorf and Baden-Baden, whe­re the flights are fil­led with mem­bers of the Roma and Ash­ka­li mino­ri­ties, fami­lies with child­ren, elder­ly and sick people.

PRO ASYL runs an e‑mail cam­paign to stop all depor­ta­ti­ons to Koso­vo. To join, click here »

Rese­arch and other mate­ri­al on the situa­ti­on of depor­ted mino­ri­ties in Koso­vo PRO ASYL has published is available in Ger­man only.

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