
The PRO ASYL Foun­da­ti­on will honor the Mal­te­se human rights defen­der Neil Fal­zon and the orga­niza­ti­on he co-foun­ded, the adit­us foun­da­ti­on, with this year’s Human Rights Award on Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 7.

“Neil Fal­zon and the team at the adit­us foun­da­ti­on use their exten­si­ve legal exper­ti­se and pro­vi­de per­so­nal sup­port for sur­vi­vors of boat dis­as­ters and vic­tims of human rights vio­la­ti­ons in detenti­on cen­ters in Mal­ta. The awar­de­es work under very chal­len­ging poli­ti­cal con­di­ti­ons. With cou­ra­ge and deter­mi­na­ti­on, Neil Fal­zon and his team oppo­se the ongo­ing ero­si­on of refu­gee and human rights and the wea­k­e­ning of the rule of law in Mal­ta, as well as in Euro­pe,” says Karl Kopp, mem­ber of the board of the foundation.

The adit­us foundation 

A socie­ty in which ever­yo­ne has access (adit­us) to their fun­da­men­tal rights: this was the goal when the non-govern­men­tal orga­niza­ti­on adit­us foun­da­ti­on was foun­ded in 2011. The staff, most­ly lawy­ers, con­duct rese­arch on the situa­ti­on of refu­gees on the island and in the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an. They pro­vi­de legal repre­sen­ta­ti­on to asyl­um see­kers, publicly expo­se human rights vio­la­ti­ons, and advo­ca­te for a huma­ne recep­ti­on sys­tem in Mal­ta. Despi­te signi­fi­cant govern­men­tal rest­ric­tions, they visit detai­ned asyl­um see­kers and fight against their arbi­tra­ry detenti­on. They bring cases befo­re (inter)national courts along­side tho­se affected.

For exam­p­le, they sup­port the lawsu­it brought by the par­ents of three-year-old Syri­an Lou­jin, who hold the Mal­te­se aut­ho­ri­ties respon­si­ble for their daugh­ter’s death due to delay­ed res­cue ope­ra­ti­ons at sea. Fur­ther­mo­re, adit­us works with refu­gees in are­as such as LGBTIQ+ rights, rule of law, and health. More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

About the Award Reci­pi­ent, Neil Falzon

Dr. Neil Fal­zon is the foun­der and direc­tor of the adit­us foun­da­ti­on. He lec­tures on human rights issues at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mal­ta and coor­di­na­tes the Mal­ta Refu­gee Coun­cil. Pre­vious­ly, he hea­ded the Mal­te­se office of the UNHCR.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, Dr. Fal­zon is part of the legal team defen­ding two of the three young refu­gees, known as the „El Hib­lu 3,“ in Mal­ta. In 2019, the three peaceful­ly resis­ted an attempt to push back more than 100 peo­p­le in the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an to Libya. For this, they are being pro­se­cu­ted by the Mal­te­se sta­te and face life impri­son­ment. At the time of their arrest, some were minors. An inter­na­tio­nal cam­paign, also sup­port­ed by PRO ASYL, calls for the char­ges to be dropped.

Time and place of the award ceremony

The 2024 Human Rights Award of the PRO ASYL Foun­da­ti­on will be pre­sen­ted on Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. during a public event in Frank­furt am Main (Haus am Dom, Dom­platz 3). Media repre­sen­ta­ti­ves are welcome.

The Human Rights Award 

Sin­ce 2006, the PRO ASYL Foun­da­ti­on has annu­al­ly pre­sen­ted the Human Rights Award to indi­vi­du­als who have made out­stan­ding con­tri­bu­ti­ons to the pro­tec­tion of human rights and refu­gees in Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe. The award is endo­wed with 5,000 euros and a sculp­tu­re by the artist Ari­el Aus­len­der, a pro­fes­sor at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Darmstadt.

Back­ground Malta

Neil Fal­zon: „Tho­se Who Do Not Drown Are Imprisoned“ 

The Mal­te­se govern­ment sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly igno­res distress calls from boat refu­gees and refu­ses to coor­di­na­te res­cue ope­ra­ti­ons. It actively pre­vents mer­chant ships from con­duc­ting res­cues and refu­ses to coope­ra­te with res­cue orga­niza­ti­ons or allow res­cued peo­p­le to dis­em­bark. Fur­ther­mo­re, it pushes peo­p­le in distress near the Mal­te­se coast to con­ti­nue towards Ita­ly. As a result, the num­ber of refu­gees has decreased: in 2023, only 380 peo­p­le arri­ved on the small island. Howe­ver, this is not becau­se fewer peo­p­le are fle­e­ing across the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an, but becau­se Mal­ta has, for years, effec­tively blo­cked access to asyl­um pro­ce­du­res for tho­se see­king pro­tec­tion and sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly vio­la­ted inter­na­tio­nal law.

In addi­ti­on, Mal­ta pur­sues a stra­tegy of out­sour­cing respon­si­bi­li­ty and works clo­se­ly with the so-cal­led Liby­an Coast Guard. The­se are seve­ral repor­ted inci­dents of peo­p­le rea­ching Mal­te­se waters and then pul­led back to the civil war-torn coun­try by Liby­an militi­as in ille­gal „pull­backs“. In 2022, more than 24,600 peo­p­le were for­ci­b­ly retur­ned to Libya, accor­ding to the adit­us foun­da­ti­on, and in 2023, the­se ille­gal pull­backs con­tin­ued to a coun­try whe­re refu­gees are tor­tu­red and enslaved—a thousand­fold vio­la­ti­on of inter­na­tio­nal law and the prin­ci­ple of non-refoulement.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the refu­gee situa­ti­on in Mal­ta and the work of the award reci­pi­ents can be found in the PRO ASYL text „Mal­ta: Wer nicht ertrinkt, wird ein­ge­sperrt“ (Mal­ta: Tho­se Who Do Not Drown Are Imprisoned).


Media cont­act:  

Press office of PRO ASYL, presse@proasyl.de, Pho­ne: +49 (0) 69 – 24 23 14 – 30

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