The PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon will honor the MalÂteÂse human rights defenÂder Neil FalÂzon and the orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon he co-founÂded, the aditÂus founÂdaÂtiÂon, with this year’s Human Rights Award on SaturÂday, SepÂtemÂber 7.
“Neil FalÂzon and the team at the aditÂus founÂdaÂtiÂon use their extenÂsiÂve legal experÂtiÂse and proÂviÂde perÂsoÂnal supÂport for surÂviÂvors of boat disÂasÂters and vicÂtims of human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons in detentiÂon cenÂters in MalÂta. The awarÂdeÂes work under very chalÂlenÂging poliÂtiÂcal conÂdiÂtiÂons. With couÂraÂge and deterÂmiÂnaÂtiÂon, Neil FalÂzon and his team oppoÂse the ongoÂing eroÂsiÂon of refuÂgee and human rights and the weaÂkÂeÂning of the rule of law in MalÂta, as well as in EuroÂpe,” says Karl Kopp, memÂber of the board of the foundation.
The aditÂus foundation
A socieÂty in which everÂyoÂne has access (aditÂus) to their funÂdaÂmenÂtal rights: this was the goal when the non-governÂmenÂtal orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon aditÂus founÂdaÂtiÂon was founÂded in 2011. The staff, mostÂly lawyÂers, conÂduct reseÂarch on the situaÂtiÂon of refuÂgees on the island and in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan. They proÂviÂde legal repreÂsenÂtaÂtiÂon to asylÂum seeÂkers, publicly expoÂse human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons, and advoÂcaÂte for a humaÂne recepÂtiÂon sysÂtem in MalÂta. DespiÂte signiÂfiÂcant governÂmenÂtal restÂricÂtions, they visit detaiÂned asylÂum seeÂkers and fight against their arbiÂtraÂry detentiÂon. They bring cases befoÂre (inter)national courts alongÂside thoÂse affected.
For examÂpÂle, they supÂport the lawsuÂit brought by the parÂents of three-year-old SyriÂan LouÂjin, who hold the MalÂteÂse autÂhoÂriÂties responÂsiÂble for their daughÂter’s death due to delayÂed resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂons at sea. FurÂtherÂmoÂre, aditÂus works with refuÂgees in areÂas such as LGBTIQ+ rights, rule of law, and health. More inforÂmaÂtiÂon can be found here.
About the Award ReciÂpiÂent, Neil Falzon
Dr. Neil FalÂzon is the founÂder and direcÂtor of the aditÂus founÂdaÂtiÂon. He lecÂtures on human rights issues at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of MalÂta and coorÂdiÂnaÂtes the MalÂta RefuÂgee CounÂcil. PreÂviousÂly, he heaÂded the MalÂteÂse office of the UNHCR.
AddiÂtioÂnalÂly, Dr. FalÂzon is part of the legal team defenÂding two of the three young refuÂgees, known as the „El HibÂlu 3,“ in MalÂta. In 2019, the three peacefulÂly resisÂted an attempt to push back more than 100 peoÂpÂle in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan to Libya. For this, they are being proÂseÂcuÂted by the MalÂteÂse staÂte and face life impriÂsonÂment. At the time of their arrest, some were minors. An interÂnaÂtioÂnal camÂpaign, also supÂportÂed by PRO ASYL, calls for the charÂges to be dropped.
Time and place of the award ceremony
The 2024 Human Rights Award of the PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon will be preÂsenÂted on SaturÂday, SepÂtemÂber 7, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. during a public event in FrankÂfurt am Main (Haus am Dom, DomÂplatz 3). Media repreÂsenÂtaÂtiÂves are welcome.
The Human Rights Award
SinÂce 2006, the PRO ASYL FounÂdaÂtiÂon has annuÂalÂly preÂsenÂted the Human Rights Award to indiÂviÂduÂals who have made outÂstanÂding conÂtriÂbuÂtiÂons to the proÂtecÂtion of human rights and refuÂgees in GerÂmaÂny and EuroÂpe. The award is endoÂwed with 5,000 euros and a sculpÂtuÂre by the artist AriÂel AusÂlenÂder, a proÂfesÂsor at the TechÂniÂcal UniÂverÂsiÂty of Darmstadt.
BackÂground Malta
Neil FalÂzon: „ThoÂse Who Do Not Drown Are Imprisoned“
The MalÂteÂse governÂment sysÂteÂmaÂtiÂcalÂly ignoÂres distress calls from boat refuÂgees and refuÂses to coorÂdiÂnaÂte resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂons. It actively preÂvents merÂchant ships from conÂducÂting resÂcues and refuÂses to coopeÂraÂte with resÂcue orgaÂnizaÂtiÂons or allow resÂcued peoÂpÂle to disÂemÂbark. FurÂtherÂmoÂre, it pushes peoÂpÂle in distress near the MalÂteÂse coast to conÂtiÂnue towards ItaÂly. As a result, the numÂber of refuÂgees has decreased: in 2023, only 380 peoÂpÂle arriÂved on the small island. HoweÂver, this is not becauÂse fewer peoÂpÂle are fleÂeÂing across the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan, but becauÂse MalÂta has, for years, effecÂtively bloÂcked access to asylÂum proÂceÂduÂres for thoÂse seeÂking proÂtecÂtion and sysÂteÂmaÂtiÂcalÂly vioÂlaÂted interÂnaÂtioÂnal law.
In addiÂtiÂon, MalÂta purÂsues a straÂtegy of outÂsourÂcing responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty and works cloÂseÂly with the so-calÂled LibyÂan Coast Guard. TheÂse are seveÂral reporÂted inciÂdents of peoÂpÂle reaÂching MalÂteÂse waters and then pulÂled back to the civil war-torn counÂtry by LibyÂan militiÂas in illeÂgal „pullÂbacks“. In 2022, more than 24,600 peoÂpÂle were forÂciÂbÂly returÂned to Libya, accorÂding to the aditÂus founÂdaÂtiÂon, and in 2023, theÂse illeÂgal pullÂbacks conÂtinÂued to a counÂtry wheÂre refuÂgees are torÂtuÂred and enslaved—a thousandÂfold vioÂlaÂtiÂon of interÂnaÂtioÂnal law and the prinÂciÂple of non-refoulement.
More inforÂmaÂtiÂon about the refuÂgee situaÂtiÂon in MalÂta and the work of the award reciÂpiÂents can be found in the PRO ASYL text „MalÂta: Wer nicht ertrinkt, wird einÂgeÂsperrt“ (MalÂta: ThoÂse Who Do Not Drown Are Imprisoned).
Media contÂact:
Press office of PRO ASYL,, PhoÂne: +49 (0) 69 – 24 23 14 – 30