
PRO ASYL: Stop depor­ta­ti­ons to Sri Lan­ka, Iraq, Afgha­ni­stan, Koso­vo and Chechny 

A week befo­re their mee­ting in Ber­lin on May 31/June 1 PRO ASYL has urgen­tly asked the Ger­man Home Secre­ta­ries to refrain from depor­ta­ti­ons to Sri Lan­ka, Iraq, Afgha­ni­stan, Koso­vo and Chech­nya. Straight rules to stop depor­ta­ti­ons are required.

Sri Lan­ka: The Fede­ral Minis­tery of the Inte­ri­or (BMI) has recom­men­ded to the fede­ral sta­tes a par­ti­al stop to depor­ta­ti­ons. Only Tamils from nor­t­hern and eas­tern Sri Lan­ka are meant to bene­fit from this recom­men­da­ti­on. Tamils who­se liveli­hood upon return to Sri Lan­ka seems to be secu­red by still exis­ting fami­ly struc­tures are except­ed. The pro­blem, though, in case of depor­ta­ti­on is rare­ly liveli­hood, but rather the risk to get arres­ted by secu­ri­ty forces wit­hout habe­as cor­pus after landing in Colom­bo or en rou­te to the home­town. An inter­nal flight alter­na­ti­ve – as clai­med for Colom­bo in the past – does­n’t exist any­mo­re. The­r­e­fo­re, the con­fe­rence of the Home Secre­ta­ries should spe­ci­fy the BMI’s recom­men­da­ti­on and agree upon a gene­ral stop to deportations.

Iraq: Mil­li­ons of Iraqi take flight to the neigh­bou­ring sta­tes or look for pro­tec­tion in their own coun­try. Against this back­drop it is not under­stan­da­ble why the fede­ral govern­ment has ente­red nego­tia­ti­ons with the govern­ments of Iraq and of the auto­no­mous regi­on of Nor­t­hern Kur­di­stan about deport­ing Iraqi refu­gees. A dete­rio­ra­ti­on of the secu­ri­ty situa­ti­on the­re can be noted as well – espe­ci­al­ly in tho­se parts bor­de­ring Kur­dish north Iraq. The­r­e­fo­re, in addi­ti­on to stop­ping depor­ta­ti­ons more has to be done. A Euro­pean resett­le­ment pro­gram to take on Iraqi refu­gees from the neigh­bou­ring sta­tes is nee­ded. Also, the con­fe­rence must pre­vent chain tole­ra­ti­ons and grant resi­dence per­mits to tho­se Iraqi who can­not be depor­ted for risks to life and limb, thus giving the­se peo­p­le a chan­ce of plan­ning their future life. So far, Ger­man poli­tics has taken the oppo­si­te direc­tion: More than 18,000 Iraqi have lost their refu­gee sta­tus by means of revo­ca­ti­on procedures.

Bernd Meso­vic, speaker

Hint: Back­ground infor­ma­ti­on on Sri Lan­ka, Iraq, Koso­vo, Afgha­ni­stan and Tsche­tsche­ni­en and our demands to the Home Secre­ta­ries‘ Con­fe­rence may be orde­red via fax or mail.

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