
PRO ASYL: EU Com­mis­si­on enga­ges in human rights eradication

Brussels not only wants to send asyl­um see­kers back to Greece into mise­ry begin­ning in march 2017, but also intends to tigh­ten the Tur­key deal immense­ly: Refu­gees with fami­ly mem­bers in Euro­pe and vul­nerable groups (child­ren, pregnant women, etc.) will be threa­ten­ed by depor­ta­ti­on to Tur­key. Brussels has prompt­ed Greece to tigh­ten exis­ting legis­la­ti­on in this sen­se. Accor­ding to Greek law the­se espe­ci­al­ly vul­nerable refu­gee groups on the Greek islands are not sub­ject to the so-cal­led admis­si­bi­li­ty pro­ce­du­re and thus not in dan­ger of being sent back to Turkey.

Yesterday‘s announce­ments by the EU Com­mis­si­on regar­ding the situa­ti­on of refu­gees in Greece and the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Tur­key deal are a dis­grace from the point of view of PRO ASYL. „The Com­mis­si­on is enga­ged in human rights era­di­ca­ti­on“, said Karl Kopp, Direc­tor for Euro­pean Affairs at PRO ASYL.

Human digni­ty and the rights of refu­gees are being sacri­fi­ced to the deal

The EU has to a signi­fi­cant degree cau­sed and con­ser­ved the huma­ni­ta­ri­an cri­sis on the Greek islands. About 60,000 pro­tec­tion see­kers are stuck in the cri­sis-rid­den coun­try. Around 16,000 vege­ta­te on the Greek islands sin­ce the Tur­key deal came into effect on March 20th. But the­re are only accom­mo­da­ti­ons for 7,450 peo­p­le. Thou­sands of refu­gees dwell the­re under inhu­man con­di­ti­ons and wit­hout any protection.

The­se pro­tec­tion see­kers have to remain in the gre­at „Aege­an open air pri­son“ becau­se Brussels and powerful govern­ments, like the one in Ber­lin, have decreed it so. The appoin­tee for hot­spots of the EU Com­mis­si­on admit­ted the reasons for this on Decem­ber 5th at the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of a report on hot­spots from Euro­pean NGOs inclu­ding PRO ASYL in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment free­ly: con­tin­ued move­ment of many refu­gees from the islands to the main land would mean the end of the Tur­key deal. Becau­se Erdo­gan only accepts refu­gees from the Greek islands.

In other words: Sin­ce Erdo­gan wants it like this and Euro­pe is rea­dy to com­mit any repul­si­ve act to keep the dir­ty refu­gee deal ali­ve, mise­ry, des­pair and mas­si­ve social ten­si­ons on the islands are sim­ply being accepted.

Stop depor­ta­ti­ons into misery

While the United Nati­ons High Com­mis­sio­ner for Refu­gees and inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons are try­ing right now to bring thou­sands of stran­ded peo­p­le in Greece from tents or home­l­ess­ness into win­ter­pro­of dwel­lings, the EU Com­mis­si­on announ­ces the start of a resump­ti­on of Dub­lin trans­fers. Depor­ta­ti­ons into mise­ry are not com­pa­ti­ble with Euro­pean law and the Con­ven­ti­on on Human Rights. Sin­ce the „guar­di­an of trea­ties“, the EU Com­mis­si­on, no lon­ger ful­fills its core mis­si­on, the courts will have to stop this. PRO ASYL will stand by the affec­ted pro­tec­tion see­kers and accom­pa­ny them on the way through all judi­cial aut­ho­ri­ties up to the Euro­pean Court of Human Rights.

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