Winter has arrived: Thousands left at the mercy of winter in Greek hot-spots
Despite repeated warnings thousands of refugees will be in danger as weather deteriorates. The Greek government has failed to react leaving people in Reception and Identification Centers (usually referred as RIC or otherwise the Hot-Spots) in the Aegean islands Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Kos and Leros unprotected under restriction of movement.
The geoÂgraÂphiÂcal restÂricÂtion poliÂcy, a key eleÂment of the EU-TurÂkey deal, keeps thouÂsands trapÂped within overÂcÂrowÂded hot-spot faciÂliÂties. PeoÂpÂle, even very vulÂnerable perÂsons, like mediÂcal patiÂents and famiÂlies with newÂborns, have to wait theÂre until the first heaÂring of their asylÂum case.
A spike of arriÂvals sinÂce August have exhausÂted resourÂces and infraÂstrucÂtuÂre of the recepÂtiÂon faciÂliÂties in most of the islands beyÂond their capaÂciÂty. ConÂdiÂtiÂons are inhuÂmaÂne and autÂhoÂriÂties are unable to cope. Within the last ten days the GovernÂment has deciÂded to move up to 2.000 peoÂpÂle to the mainÂland in order to ease the presÂsuÂre. But given the proÂporÂtiÂons of the popuÂlaÂtiÂon and needs this initiaÂtiÂve will hardÂly make a difference.
Last year five peoÂpÂle periÂsÂhed during winÂter in the hot-spots. ThouÂsands sufÂfeÂrÂed for months in the cold and rain. MinisÂter of MigraÂtiÂon GianÂnis MouÂzÂaÂlas has responÂded to criÂtiÂcism by sayÂing theÂse deaths made us “wiser”.
WinÂter has arriÂved again in the norÂtheÂasÂtern AegeÂan islands and heaÂvy rain is turÂning the hot-spots into a quagÂmiÂre. MouÂzÂaÂlas and the Greek governÂment have learÂned notÂhing from last winter’s fiasÂco and they are set to repeat it. Also EuroÂpean autÂhoÂriÂties are indifÂfeÂrent to human sufÂfeÂring in the islands cauÂsed by the impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of the EU-TurÂkey deal as long as they deliÂver the deterÂrent effect EU poliÂtiÂciÂans conÂsiders an imperative.
RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan, impleÂmenÂting partÂner of PRO ASYL in Greece, is proÂviÂding a basic snapshot of the situaÂtiÂon in the five hot-spots as the islands brace for winter.
LesÂvos notoÂriousÂly proÂbleÂmaÂtic hot-spot Moria with a capaÂciÂty of 2.300 is currÂentÂly hosÂting 5.570 peoÂpÂle. The total numÂber of refuÂgees on the island is cloÂse to 7.300.
AccomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon infraÂstrucÂtuÂre conÂsists of 123 pre-fabriÂcaÂted houÂses, 100 famiÂly tents, 120 small sumÂmer tents (the numÂber is groÂwing everÂyÂday) 5 , and a numÂber of makesÂhift shelÂters set up by orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂons or refuÂgees themÂselÂves. Very few NGOs are still opeÂraÂting insiÂde Moria and limiÂtÂed Non-Food Items and cloÂthes are proÂviÂded. TheÂre is often a defiÂcit of even basic proÂviÂsiÂons like milk-powÂder and diapers.
A larÂge numÂber of the refuÂgee popuÂlaÂtiÂon in Moria are very young childÂren and the numÂber of minors on the island approaÂches 1.200. FamiÂlies with young childÂren, pregnant women, sinÂgle women, and sick peoÂpÂle are stayÂing in small sumÂmer tents totalÂly unpreÂpared for winÂter. During the first rain in SepÂtemÂber the water enteÂred the tents and refuÂgees were caught in the mud.
A 29 years old vicÂtim of torÂtuÂre from ConÂgo arriÂved in MytiÂliÂni at the beginÂning of DecemÂber 2016. During last winÂter a woman and a small child died in front of her eyes when a gas canisÂter they used for cooÂking exploÂded insiÂde their tent. The mother of the childÂren and her brotÂher surÂviÂved with serious burns. She was still living in a tent when Moria was coverÂed by snow last JanuÂary and 3 refuÂgees lost their lives by inhaÂling toxic fumes proÂduÂced by garÂbaÂge they burÂned to keep them warm during the night. FolÂloÂwing theÂse deaths she was transÂferÂred for a short periÂod to a hotel in TherÂmi as many other Moria resiÂdents. After a month when the weaÂther improÂved she was transÂferÂred back to Moria. Today she lives in a famiÂly shaÂring a few squaÂre meters with anoÂther 24 peoÂpÂle. “Every time I open the door of the conÂtaiÂner I walk through small tents full of famiÂlies with small childÂren. They can’t reach the toiÂlets so they enter our conÂtaiÂner to use the toiÂlets”. “When it rains all famiÂlies enter our conÂtaiÂner. They stand up all night as theÂre is no place to sleep” she says conÂcluÂding “I sufÂfeÂrÂed so much in Moria. I waiÂted so long to leaÂve the island”.
The inhuÂmaÂne conÂdiÂtiÂons and the lack of inforÂmaÂtiÂon about the proÂceÂduÂres in geneÂral or initiaÂtiÂves from the autÂhoÂriÂties’ like the sudÂden lift of geoÂgraÂphiÂcal limiÂtaÂtiÂons for selÂecÂted numÂbers of peoÂpÂle have also conÂtriÂbuÂted to extreÂme tenÂsiÂon in Moria that often result in vioÂlent incidents.
MediÂcal responÂse from MinisÂtry of Health has improÂved during the last two months with 5 docÂtors and 16 nurÂses alloÂcaÂted in the hot-spot. AddiÂtioÂnalÂly 8 psyÂchoÂloÂgists and 18 social workers work in shifts assisÂted by 3 culÂtuÂral mediaÂtors and 1 epidemiologist.
The idenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon and regisÂtraÂtiÂon centÂre in VatÂhy on Samos, has a capaÂciÂty of 700 perÂsons but currÂentÂly hosts more than 2.400. It is locaÂted at a hillsÂiÂde at the rim of the city.
Today, refuÂgees insiÂde the hotÂspot still stay under deteÂrioÂraÂting conÂdiÂtiÂons while the majoÂriÂty is tryÂing to surÂviÂve in tents in the woods surÂrounÂding the faciÂliÂty. In the majoÂriÂty of cases newÂcoÂmers are stayÂing in theÂse difÂfeÂrent kinds of tents and makesÂhift shelÂters. Lack of heaÂting and proÂtecÂtion from the cold and harsh weaÂther conÂdiÂtiÂons leaÂves them expoÂsed. Some refuÂgees are tryÂing to prepaÂre for the worÂsening weaÂther conÂdiÂtiÂons by collÂecÂtion wooÂden palÂlets to supÂport their shelÂters. Among the refuÂgees sleeÂping under theÂse rough conÂdiÂtiÂons are a signiÂfiÂcant numÂber of famiÂlies with childÂren, pregnant women, unacÂcomÂpaÂnied minors, disÂabÂled peoÂpÂle and peoÂpÂle with serious mediÂcal issues. At the same time theÂre is a serious unmet need for earÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon and adeÂquaÂte mediÂcal and psyÂchoÂloÂgiÂcal care for theÂse vulÂnerable groups.
The island rates third in numÂber of arriÂvals in OctoÂber. The main natioÂnaÂliÂties are SyriÂans, Iraqis and Afghans. The majoÂriÂty of them are famiÂlies but nearÂly 100 unacÂcomÂpaÂnied minors live in the camp with more than 760 childÂren in total, accorÂding to Samos VolÂunÂteers. InsiÂde the hotÂspot hygieÂne is a huge proÂblem as a conÂseÂquence of the limiÂtÂed numÂber of toiÂlets and the reguÂlar water cuts.
The bad living conÂdiÂtiÂons have increased tenÂsiÂons among the refuÂgees in and around the hotÂspot. Dozens of minors hosÂted in one desiÂgnaÂted space have been reporÂtedÂly disperÂsed across the camp after escaÂping vioÂlent attacks to avoÂid escalaÂtiÂon and are now stayÂing in preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses along with adults or in makesÂhift tents. TransÂfer of unacÂcomÂpaÂnied minors to speÂcial shelÂters in the mainÂland can take months of waiÂting. After the cloÂsure of the tranÂsit shelÂter for minors, which was run by PraksÂis until a month ago, only one more shelÂter excluÂsiÂveÂly for childÂren under 15 years has remainÂed open.
EspeÂciÂalÂly, vulÂnerable perÂsons, most of which are famiÂlies with small childÂren, have been offeÂred shelÂter in flats run by ARSIS and PraksÂis in the city of Samos, but the local popuÂlaÂtiÂon has becoÂme less welÂcoÂming and flat owners are increÂasingÂly hesiÂtant to proÂviÂde shelÂter to refuÂgees. In addiÂtiÂon to the flats, MSF still hosts dozens of vulÂnerable refuÂgees in a hotel in the city. While autÂhoÂriÂties try to deconÂgest the hot-spot of Samos by remoÂving the geoÂgraÂphiÂcal restÂricÂtion of a numÂber of refuÂgees and transÂfer them to the mainÂland, the announÂced scheÂduÂle for the evacuaÂtiÂon will posÂsiÂbly face delays.
ChiÂos ΡecepÂtiÂon and ΙdenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon CenÂter “Hot-spot” VIAL is locaÂted 8 km from the cenÂter of the town ChiÂos. The cenÂter is locaÂted in a deserÂted aluÂmiÂnum facÂtoÂry and half of it is still used as a wasÂte sepaÂraÂtiÂon and recoÂvery centÂre. Under the preÂsent legal frameÂwork, VIAL is a cloÂsed faciÂliÂty for the regisÂtraÂtiÂon and proÂcesÂsing of the incoÂming refuÂgees. VIAL now remains the basic accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon cenÂter and has a total capaÂciÂty of 894 perÂsons but is currÂentÂly hosÂting 1.944 perÂsons. VIAL includes a regisÂtraÂtiÂon area insiÂde the builÂding and two main outÂdoor accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon areÂas, surÂrounÂded by a metal fence, topÂped with barÂbed wire. A total of 75 preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses of 30 to 40 squaÂre meters surÂface each, with only some beds or matÂtresÂses insiÂde, are now home to a staÂtic popuÂlaÂtiÂon sinÂce the impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of the EU – TurÂkey deal. FamiÂlies or indiÂviÂduÂals are eating, sleeÂping, living in theÂre for months and conÂdiÂtiÂons do not meet the miniÂmum shelÂter standards.
In both secÂtions of accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon theÂre are preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses transÂforÂmed to bathÂrooms and showÂers sepaÂraÂted for men and women. Still the runÂning water stops from 21 pm to 7 am every night. Lack of hot water and a conÂstant feeÂling of inseÂcuÂriÂty are the usuÂal comÂplaints of the inhaÂbiÂtants. TheÂre is only one toiÂlet, witÂhout effecÂtiÂve access for peoÂpÂle with phyÂsiÂcal disaÂbiÂliÂties in each secÂtion of the camp and no showÂers accesÂsiÂble for peoÂpÂle in wheelchairs.
The cloÂsure of “SouÂda“, open refuÂgee camp, togÂeÂther with the increase in arriÂvals sinÂce the beginÂning of SepÂtemÂber led to the extenÂsiÂon of the camp. ThirÂty two new tents were put up in mudÂdy fields. The plan is to replace theÂse tents with preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses but the first rains have alreÂaÂdy starÂted and the camp extenÂsiÂon has no proÂviÂsiÂon of elecÂtriÂciÂty or other source of heaÂting, and the cheÂmiÂcal toiÂlets are flooding.
RecentÂly the MinisÂter of MigraÂtiÂon took over serÂvices proÂviÂded by NGOs. TheÂre are signiÂfiÂcant gaps regarÂding deliÂvery of Non Food Items and basic mediÂcal proÂviÂsiÂons. NGO “SAMS” conÂtriÂbuÂtes with two docÂtors as theÂre was no inteÂrest in a recent call from autÂhoÂriÂties to hire local docÂtors. TheÂre is also a team of nurÂses, a psyÂchoÂloÂgist, social workers and culÂtuÂral mediaÂtors. But the local hosÂpiÂtal is overÂwhelÂmed with the referÂrals from the hotÂspot, and severÂely disÂabÂled or menÂtalÂly ill peoÂpÂle do not have access to proÂper psyÂchoÂloÂgiÂcal supÂport and treatment.
PeoÂpÂle are in geneÂral psyÂchoÂloÂgiÂcalÂly exhausÂted and theÂre are many cases of self-harÂming and even suiÂciÂde attempts. “During the first rain that lasÂted only twenÂty minuÂtes the walls and the floÂor of our preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted house starÂted to fill with water. We comÂplaiÂned to the autÂhoÂriÂties asking to repair the holes with siliÂcoÂne but they repliÂed that theÂre is no proÂblem” said an Iraqi natioÂnal living in Vial with his family.
AccorÂding to the offiÂciÂal data theÂre are more than 890 refuÂgees in the RecepÂtiÂon and IdenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon CenÂter of Kos with a capaÂciÂty of just 722. The hot-spot is situaÂted in the vilÂlaÂge of Pyli around 15 KiloÂmeÂters away from the cenÂter of the city and conÂsists of preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses. Next to the faciÂliÂty a pre-remÂoval (detentiÂon) cenÂter opeÂned last March with a capaÂciÂty of 500 perÂsons is now used for addiÂtioÂnal accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon. For examÂpÂle dozens of refuÂgees who arriÂved in CreÂte in SepÂtemÂber have been transÂferÂred theÂre. In the middÂle of OctoÂber the detentiÂon cenÂter hosÂted more than 140 perÂsons, accorÂding to inforÂmaÂtiÂon from UNHCR. RefuÂgees arriÂving in the islet KasÂtelÂoriÂzo or other small islands near Kos, have been transÂferÂred to Kos becauÂse of lack of shelÂter in smalÂler islands.
The situaÂtiÂon in Kos is chalÂlenÂging altÂhough it’s reporÂtedÂly betÂter than in the others islands. While the arriÂvals in the past were mainÂly sinÂgle men from South Asia, currÂentÂly theÂre is a larÂge numÂber of famiÂlies from Iraq and Syria. During OctoÂber theÂre was a lack of baby food and supÂpliÂes. Local actiÂvists and the small NGO FlyÂing Help proÂviÂded milk and diaÂpers to the autÂhoÂriÂties that seeÂmed totalÂly unpreÂpared to take care of refuÂgee famiÂlies. Local actiÂvists are poinÂting out that theÂre will be also a need for warm cloÂthes as winÂter approaÂches. ReporÂtedÂly some of the air-conÂdiÂtioÂners insiÂde the preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses are not funcÂtioÂning due to damaÂge or techÂniÂcal proÂblems. ExtreÂmeÂly vulÂnerable perÂsons are currÂentÂly insiÂde the hot-spot. For examÂpÂle a canÂcer patiÂent from Iraq with catheÂter who has been transÂferÂred by boat from CreÂte. In Kos RIC theÂre are currÂentÂly 3 docÂtors (2 from SAMS), 8 nurÂses, 7 psyÂchoÂloÂgists, 5 social workers, 2 culÂtuÂral mediaÂtors from KEELPNO to supÂport the population.
At the beginÂning of the sumÂmer conÂdiÂtiÂons in Leros hot-spots were relaÂtively good given a modeÂst influx of newÂcoÂmers. The spike of arriÂvals from the TurÂkiÂsh coast sinÂce August means that the faciÂliÂty is reaÂching capaÂciÂty limit. CurrÂentÂly 826 peoÂpÂle are hosÂted and the maxiÂmum capaÂciÂty is estiÂmaÂted to 880. PeoÂpÂle in the hot-spot, among them many famiÂlies and childÂren, resiÂde in preÂfaÂbriÂcaÂted houÂses, some of which are damaÂged. Food is proÂviÂded from cateÂring serÂvices arranÂged by autÂhoÂriÂties and is mostÂly arriÂving from the Greek mainÂland. ImpleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of a staÂte proÂject for mediÂcal and menÂtal health supÂport has increased the preÂsence of pracÂtiÂtioÂners who offer serÂvices within the hot-spots (1 docÂtors, 8 nurÂses, 5 psyÂchoÂloÂgists, 10 social workers).
AnoÂther 10 mediÂcal staff have been alloÂcaÂted to the local hosÂpiÂtal that receiÂves criÂtiÂcal mediÂcal cases from the hot-spot. The most vulÂnerable cases are often transÂferÂred from the hot-spot to alterÂnaÂtiÂve strucÂtures admiÂnisÂteÂred by volÂunÂteers. TheÂse alterÂnaÂtiÂve strucÂtures can accomÂmoÂdaÂte anoÂther 90 perÂsons. “The situaÂtiÂon in Leros is still manaÂgeable. TheÂre are no peoÂpÂle sleeÂping rough or witÂhout access to toiÂlets” says MatiÂna KatÂsiÂveÂli, a local volÂunÂteer “altÂhough faciÂliÂties are approaÂching their capaÂciÂty limit and if arriÂvals conÂtiÂnue ineÂviÂtaÂbÂly peoÂpÂle will have to be hosÂted in tents”.