Tents in Moria Hotspot, October 2017. Photo: Efi Latsoudi

Despite repeated warnings thousands of refugees will be in danger as weather deteriorates. The Greek government has failed to react leaving people in Reception and Identification Centers (usually referred as RIC or otherwise the Hot-Spots) in the Aegean islands Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Kos and Leros unprotected under restriction of movement.

The geo­gra­phi­cal rest­ric­tion poli­cy, a key ele­ment of the EU-Tur­key deal, keeps thou­sands trap­ped within over­c­row­ded hot-spot faci­li­ties. Peo­p­le, even very vul­nerable per­sons, like medi­cal pati­ents and fami­lies with new­borns, have to wait the­re until the first hea­ring of their asyl­um case.

A spike of arri­vals sin­ce August have exhaus­ted resour­ces and infra­struc­tu­re of the recep­ti­on faci­li­ties in most of the islands bey­ond their capa­ci­ty. Con­di­ti­ons are inhu­ma­ne and aut­ho­ri­ties are unable to cope. Within the last ten days the Govern­ment has deci­ded to move up to 2.000 peo­p­le to the main­land in order to ease the pres­su­re. But given the pro­por­ti­ons of the popu­la­ti­on and needs this initia­ti­ve will hard­ly make a difference.

Last year five peo­p­le peri­s­hed during win­ter in the hot-spots. Thou­sands suf­fe­r­ed for months in the cold and rain. Minis­ter of Migra­ti­on Gian­nis Mou­z­a­las has respon­ded to cri­ti­cism by say­ing the­se deaths made us “wiser”.

Con­di­ti­ons in the Greek Hot­spots. Source: rsaegean.org

Win­ter has arri­ved again in the nor­the­as­tern Aege­an islands and hea­vy rain is tur­ning the hot-spots into a quag­mi­re. Mou­z­a­las and the Greek govern­ment have lear­ned not­hing from last winter’s fias­co and they are set to repeat it. Also Euro­pean aut­ho­ri­ties are indif­fe­rent to human suf­fe­ring in the islands cau­sed by the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the EU-Tur­key deal as long as they deli­ver the deter­rent effect EU poli­ti­ci­ans con­siders an imperative.

Refu­gee Sup­port Aege­an, imple­men­ting part­ner of PRO ASYL in Greece, is pro­vi­ding a basic snapshot of the situa­ti­on in the five hot-spots as the islands brace for winter.

Les­vos noto­rious­ly pro­ble­ma­tic hot-spot Moria with a capa­ci­ty of 2.300 is curr­ent­ly hos­ting 5.570 peo­p­le. The total num­ber of refu­gees on the island is clo­se to 7.300.

Accom­mo­da­ti­on infra­struc­tu­re con­sists of 123 pre-fabri­ca­ted hou­ses, 100 fami­ly tents, 120 small sum­mer tents (the num­ber is gro­wing ever­y­day) 5 , and a num­ber of makes­hift shel­ters set up by orga­ni­sa­ti­ons or refu­gees them­sel­ves. Very few NGOs are still ope­ra­ting insi­de Moria and limi­t­ed Non-Food Items and clo­thes are pro­vi­ded. The­re is often a defi­cit of even basic pro­vi­si­ons like milk-pow­der and diapers.

A lar­ge num­ber of the refu­gee popu­la­ti­on in Moria are very young child­ren and the num­ber of minors on the island approa­ches 1.200. Fami­lies with young child­ren, pregnant women, sin­gle women, and sick peo­p­le are stay­ing in small sum­mer tents total­ly unpre­pared for win­ter. During the first rain in Sep­tem­ber the water ente­red the tents and refu­gees were caught in the mud.

Life in Moria. Pho­to: Efi Latsoudi

A 29 years old vic­tim of tor­tu­re from Con­go arri­ved in Myti­li­ni at the begin­ning of Decem­ber 2016. During last win­ter a woman and a small child died in front of her eyes when a gas canis­ter they used for coo­king explo­ded insi­de their tent. The mother of the child­ren and her brot­her sur­vi­ved with serious burns. She was still living in a tent when Moria was cover­ed by snow last Janu­ary and 3 refu­gees lost their lives by inha­ling toxic fumes pro­du­ced by gar­ba­ge they bur­ned to keep them warm during the night. Fol­lo­wing the­se deaths she was trans­fer­red for a short peri­od to a hotel in Ther­mi as many other Moria resi­dents. After a month when the wea­ther impro­ved she was trans­fer­red back to Moria. Today she lives in a fami­ly sha­ring a few squa­re meters with ano­ther 24 peo­p­le. “Every time I open the door of the con­tai­ner I walk through small tents full of fami­lies with small child­ren. They can’t reach the toi­lets so they enter our con­tai­ner to use the toi­lets”. “When it rains all fami­lies enter our con­tai­ner. They stand up all night as the­re is no place to sleep” she says con­clu­ding “I suf­fe­r­ed so much in Moria. I wai­ted so long to lea­ve the island”.

The inhu­ma­ne con­di­ti­ons and the lack of infor­ma­ti­on about the pro­ce­du­res in gene­ral or initia­ti­ves from the aut­ho­ri­ties’ like the sud­den lift of geo­gra­phi­cal limi­ta­ti­ons for sel­ec­ted num­bers of peo­p­le have also con­tri­bu­ted to extre­me ten­si­on in Moria that often result in vio­lent incidents.

Medi­cal respon­se from Minis­try of Health has impro­ved during the last two months with 5 doc­tors and 16 nur­ses allo­ca­ted in the hot-spot. Addi­tio­nal­ly 8 psy­cho­lo­gists and 18 social workers work in shifts assis­ted by 3 cul­tu­ral media­tors and 1 epidemiologist.

The iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and regis­tra­ti­on cent­re in Vat­hy on Samos, has a capa­ci­ty of 700 per­sons but curr­ent­ly hosts more than 2.400. It is loca­ted at a hills­i­de at the rim of the city.

Today, refu­gees insi­de the hot­spot still stay under dete­rio­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons while the majo­ri­ty is try­ing to sur­vi­ve in tents in the woods sur­roun­ding the faci­li­ty. In the majo­ri­ty of cases new­co­mers are stay­ing in the­se dif­fe­rent kinds of tents and makes­hift shel­ters. Lack of hea­ting and pro­tec­tion from the cold and harsh wea­ther con­di­ti­ons lea­ves them expo­sed. Some refu­gees are try­ing to prepa­re for the wor­sening wea­ther con­di­ti­ons by coll­ec­tion woo­den pal­lets to sup­port their shel­ters. Among the refu­gees slee­ping under the­se rough con­di­ti­ons are a signi­fi­cant num­ber of fami­lies with child­ren, pregnant women, unac­com­pa­nied minors, dis­ab­led peo­p­le and peo­p­le with serious medi­cal issues. At the same time the­re is a serious unmet need for ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and ade­qua­te medi­cal and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal care for the­se vul­nerable groups.

The island rates third in num­ber of arri­vals in Octo­ber. The main natio­na­li­ties are Syri­ans, Iraqis and Afghans. The majo­ri­ty of them are fami­lies but near­ly 100 unac­com­pa­nied minors live in the camp with more than 760 child­ren in total, accor­ding to Samos Vol­un­teers. Insi­de the hot­spot hygie­ne is a huge pro­blem as a con­se­quence of the limi­t­ed num­ber of toi­lets and the regu­lar water cuts.

The bad living con­di­ti­ons have increased ten­si­ons among the refu­gees in and around the hot­spot. Dozens of minors hos­ted in one desi­gna­ted space have been repor­ted­ly disper­sed across the camp after esca­ping vio­lent attacks to avo­id escala­ti­on and are now stay­ing in pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses along with adults or in makes­hift tents. Trans­fer of unac­com­pa­nied minors to spe­cial shel­ters in the main­land can take months of wai­ting. After the clo­sure of the tran­sit shel­ter for minors, which was run by Praks­is until a month ago, only one more shel­ter exclu­si­ve­ly for child­ren under 15 years has remain­ed open.

Espe­ci­al­ly, vul­nerable per­sons, most of which are fami­lies with small child­ren, have been offe­red shel­ter in flats run by ARSIS and Praks­is in the city of Samos, but the local popu­la­ti­on has beco­me less wel­co­ming and flat owners are incre­asing­ly hesi­tant to pro­vi­de shel­ter to refu­gees. In addi­ti­on to the flats, MSF still hosts dozens of vul­nerable refu­gees in a hotel in the city. While aut­ho­ri­ties try to decon­gest the hot-spot of Samos by remo­ving the geo­gra­phi­cal rest­ric­tion of a num­ber of refu­gees and trans­fer them to the main­land, the announ­ced sche­du­le for the evacua­ti­on will pos­si­bly face delays.

Makes­hift tent out­side the camp in Vial, Chi­os. Pho­to: RSA

Chi­os Ρecep­ti­on and Ιden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Cen­ter “Hot-spot” VIAL is loca­ted 8 km from the cen­ter of the town Chi­os. The cen­ter is loca­ted in a deser­ted alu­mi­num fac­to­ry and half of it is still used as a was­te sepa­ra­ti­on and reco­very cent­re. Under the pre­sent legal frame­work, VIAL is a clo­sed faci­li­ty for the regis­tra­ti­on and pro­ces­sing of the inco­ming refu­gees. VIAL now remains the basic accom­mo­da­ti­on cen­ter and has a total capa­ci­ty of 894 per­sons but is curr­ent­ly hos­ting 1.944 per­sons. VIAL includes a regis­tra­ti­on area insi­de the buil­ding and two main out­door accom­mo­da­ti­on are­as, sur­roun­ded by a metal fence, top­ped with bar­bed wire. A total of 75 pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses of 30 to 40 squa­re meters sur­face each, with only some beds or mat­tres­ses insi­de, are now home to a sta­tic popu­la­ti­on sin­ce the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the EU – Tur­key deal. Fami­lies or indi­vi­du­als are eating, slee­ping, living in the­re for months and con­di­ti­ons do not meet the mini­mum shel­ter standards.

In both sec­tions of accom­mo­da­ti­on the­re are pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses trans­for­med to bath­rooms and show­ers sepa­ra­ted for men and women. Still the run­ning water stops from 21 pm to 7 am every night. Lack of hot water and a con­stant fee­ling of inse­cu­ri­ty are the usu­al com­plaints of the inha­bi­tants. The­re is only one toi­let, wit­hout effec­ti­ve access for peo­p­le with phy­si­cal disa­bi­li­ties in each sec­tion of the camp and no show­ers acces­si­ble for peo­p­le in wheelchairs.

The clo­sure of “Sou­da“, open refu­gee camp, tog­e­ther with the increase in arri­vals sin­ce the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber led to the exten­si­on of the camp. Thir­ty two new tents were put up in mud­dy fields. The plan is to replace the­se tents with pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses but the first rains have alre­a­dy star­ted and the camp exten­si­on has no pro­vi­si­on of elec­tri­ci­ty or other source of hea­ting, and the che­mi­cal toi­lets are flooding.

Ext­en­ti­on of the camp in Vial. Pho­to: RSA

Recent­ly the Minis­ter of Migra­ti­on took over ser­vices pro­vi­ded by NGOs. The­re are signi­fi­cant gaps regar­ding deli­very of Non Food Items and basic medi­cal pro­vi­si­ons. NGO “SAMS” con­tri­bu­tes with two doc­tors as the­re was no inte­rest in a recent call from aut­ho­ri­ties to hire local doc­tors. The­re is also a team of nur­ses, a psy­cho­lo­gist, social workers and cul­tu­ral media­tors. But the local hos­pi­tal is over­whel­med with the refer­rals from the hot­spot, and sever­ely dis­ab­led or men­tal­ly ill peo­p­le do not have access to pro­per psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sup­port and treatment.

Peo­p­le are in gene­ral psy­cho­lo­gi­cal­ly exhaus­ted and the­re are many cases of self-har­ming and even sui­ci­de attempts. “During the first rain that las­ted only twen­ty minu­tes the walls and the flo­or of our pre­fa­bri­ca­ted house star­ted to fill with water. We com­plai­ned to the aut­ho­ri­ties asking to repair the holes with sili­co­ne but they repli­ed that the­re is no pro­blem” said an Iraqi natio­nal living in Vial with his family.

Accor­ding to the offi­ci­al data the­re are more than 890 refu­gees in the Recep­ti­on and Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Cen­ter of Kos with a capa­ci­ty of just 722. The hot-spot is situa­ted in the vil­la­ge of Pyli around 15 Kilo­me­ters away from the cen­ter of the city and con­sists of pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses. Next to the faci­li­ty a pre-rem­oval (detenti­on) cen­ter ope­ned last March with a capa­ci­ty of 500 per­sons is now used for addi­tio­nal accom­mo­da­ti­on. For exam­p­le dozens of refu­gees who arri­ved in Cre­te in Sep­tem­ber have been trans­fer­red the­re. In the midd­le of Octo­ber the detenti­on cen­ter hos­ted more than 140 per­sons, accor­ding to infor­ma­ti­on from UNHCR. Refu­gees arri­ving in the islet Kas­tel­ori­zo or other small islands near Kos, have been trans­fer­red to Kos becau­se of lack of shel­ter in smal­ler islands.

The situa­ti­on in Kos is chal­len­ging alt­hough it’s repor­ted­ly bet­ter than in the others islands. While the arri­vals in the past were main­ly sin­gle men from South Asia, curr­ent­ly the­re is a lar­ge num­ber of fami­lies from Iraq and Syria. During Octo­ber the­re was a lack of baby food and sup­pli­es. Local acti­vists and the small NGO Fly­ing Help pro­vi­ded milk and dia­pers to the aut­ho­ri­ties that see­med total­ly unpre­pared to take care of refu­gee fami­lies. Local acti­vists are poin­ting out that the­re will be also a need for warm clo­thes as win­ter approa­ches. Repor­ted­ly some of the air-con­di­tio­ners insi­de the pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses are not func­tio­ning due to dama­ge or tech­ni­cal pro­blems. Extre­me­ly vul­nerable per­sons are curr­ent­ly insi­de the hot-spot. For exam­p­le a can­cer pati­ent from Iraq with cathe­ter who has been trans­fer­red by boat from Cre­te. In Kos RIC the­re are curr­ent­ly 3 doc­tors (2 from SAMS), 8 nur­ses, 7 psy­cho­lo­gists, 5 social workers, 2 cul­tu­ral media­tors from KEELPNO to sup­port the population.

At the begin­ning of the sum­mer con­di­ti­ons in Leros hot-spots were rela­tively good given a mode­st influx of new­co­mers. The spike of arri­vals from the Tur­ki­sh coast sin­ce August means that the faci­li­ty is rea­ching capa­ci­ty limit. Curr­ent­ly 826 peo­p­le are hos­ted and the maxi­mum capa­ci­ty is esti­ma­ted to 880. Peo­p­le in the hot-spot, among them many fami­lies and child­ren, resi­de in pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­ses, some of which are dama­ged. Food is pro­vi­ded from cate­ring ser­vices arran­ged by aut­ho­ri­ties and is most­ly arri­ving from the Greek main­land. Imple­men­ta­ti­on of a sta­te pro­ject for medi­cal and men­tal health sup­port has increased the pre­sence of prac­ti­tio­ners who offer ser­vices within the hot-spots (1 doc­tors, 8 nur­ses, 5 psy­cho­lo­gists, 10 social workers).

Ano­ther 10 medi­cal staff have been allo­ca­ted to the local hos­pi­tal that recei­ves cri­ti­cal medi­cal cases from the hot-spot. The most vul­nerable cases are often trans­fer­red from the hot-spot to alter­na­ti­ve struc­tures admi­nis­te­red by vol­un­teers. The­se alter­na­ti­ve struc­tures can accom­mo­da­te ano­ther 90 per­sons. “The situa­ti­on in Leros is still mana­geable. The­re are no peo­p­le slee­ping rough or wit­hout access to toi­lets” says Mati­na Kat­si­ve­li, a local vol­un­teer “alt­hough faci­li­ties are approa­ching their capa­ci­ty limit and if arri­vals con­ti­nue ine­vi­ta­b­ly peo­p­le will have to be hos­ted in tents”.


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