
The out­co­me of the so-cal­led „Dub­li­ners pro­ject“ was pre­sen­ted to the public this week in Rome. Ins­ti­ga­ted by the Ita­li­an Refu­gees Coun­cil (CIR) and in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Ita­li­an Minis­try of Inter­nal Affairs and six part­ner orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, among­st them PRO ASYL, 75 refu­gees affec­ted by the Dub­lin II regu­la­ti­ons were inter­view­ed in order to high­light

The out­co­me of the so-cal­led „Dub­li­ners pro­ject“ was pre­sen­ted to the public this week in Rome. Ins­ti­ga­ted by the Ita­li­an Refu­gees Coun­cil (CIR) and in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Ita­li­an Minis­try of Inter­nal Affairs and six part­ner orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, among­st them PRO ASYL, 75 refu­gees affec­ted by the Dub­lin II regu­la­ti­ons were inter­view­ed in order to high­light and illus­tra­te the pro­blems ori­gi­na­ting from the Dub­lin system.

„Refu­gees are­n’t par­cel post“, said an Afghan describ­ing his odys­sey through Euro­pe. As estab­lished by the so-cal­led Dub­lin II Regu­la­ti­on it is the EU mem­ber sta­te through which the asyl­um see­ker first ente­red the EU that will be respon­si­ble of pro­ces­sing the asyl­um cla­im. This means, that a refu­gee rea­ching e.g. Ger­ma­ny on his run will most pro­ba­b­ly be shut­tled back to the Euro­pean coun­try that he first set his foot in. The sta­tes on the EU’s outer bor­ders thus have to deal with an inap­pro­pria­te num­ber of refu­gees and asyl­um claims and will be overs­trai­ned – as can per­fect­ly be seen in Greece. The Dub­lin II Regu­la­ti­on also often pro­vi­des for the detenti­on of asyl­um see­kers until the EU sta­te respon­si­ble of pro­ces­sing the asyl­um cla­im has been estab­lished. In the mean­ti­me, much more often than not the asyl­um see­ker will fail to learn about the pro­ce­du­re he is going through and about his rights.

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on has brought for­ward a pro­po­sal on how to revi­se the Dub­lin II Regu­la­ti­on which is curr­ent­ly being dis­cus­sed in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment. A revi­si­on is impe­ra­ti­ve. The Dub­lin sys­tem is inhu­ma­ne, dis­re­gar­ding the rights of refu­gees and migrants. The­re are many urgent ques­ti­ons which have to be kept in mind for a new and bet­ter regu­la­ti­on. More atten­ti­on must espe­ci­al­ly paid to the needs of unac­com­pa­nied minors.