A refugee family being arrested in Hungary in autumn 2015. In Hungary, refugees are sent back over the border on a regular basis, although this practice is illegal. Photo: Reuters / Bernadett Szabo

Various Central European organisations forming the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) recently published a report on the appalling reality at the EU’s eastern external borders, where time and again illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers are taking place.

The report “Pushed back at the door” descri­bes the rising num­ber of ille­gal push­backs at Europe’s exter­nal bor­ders in Bul­ga­ria, the Czech Repu­blic (at Pra­gue Air­port), Hun­ga­ry and Pol­and, also giving an over­view of worry­ing deve­lo­p­ments in Slove­ni­an poli­ci­es and legislation.


Over the cour­se of 2016, the Bul­ga­ri­an Hel­sin­ki Com­mit­tee (BHC) recei­ved incre­asing num­bers of reports of vio­lent push­backs at the Bul­ga­ri­an-Tur­ki­sh bor­der. The­se reports not only descri­be events at the bor­der its­elf, but also at the bor­de­ring regi­ons within Bulgaria.

Apart from the push­backs, the reports also talk of thefts (of money, valu­ables and even food) car­ri­ed out by the Bul­ga­ri­an poli­ce as well as poli­ce tac­tics of inti­mi­da­ti­on, such as firing war­ning shots and the deploy­ment of dogs.

The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic’s only EU-exter­nal bor­der is loca­ted in the tran­sit area of Pra­gue Air­port. While the law pro­vi­des for a kind of air­port pro­ce­du­re, in rea­li­ty asyl­um see­kers hard­ly have access – neither to the asyl­um pro­ce­du­re its­elf, nor to the accom­mo­da­ti­on pro­vi­ded at the air­port for this pur­po­se. In 2015 and 2016, a maxi­mum of two peo­p­le per month were able to gain access to this pro­ce­du­re, while bet­ween 30 and 40 decis­i­ons refu­sing ent­ry were issued each month, among them for peo­p­le from count­ries such as Sri Lan­ka, Iraq and the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Congo.

The Orga­niza­ti­on for Aid to Refu­gees (OPU) has recei­ved many indi­ca­ti­ons that some of the­se peo­p­le had wan­ted to app­ly for asyl­um, and that in some cases even per­sons with valid ent­ry visas were rejec­ted and sent back.


Hun­ga­ry has erec­ted a fence along its bor­ders to Ser­bia and Croa­tia. The­re are two tran­sit zones (at Röszke and Tom­pa), whe­re bet­ween 20 and 30 asyl­um see­kers are allo­wed to enter the coun­try every day. Through a law pas­sed in the sum­mer of 2016, push­backs were all but lega­li­sed in Hun­ga­ry: Under this law, any per­son who is loca­ted at the bor­der or up to eight kilo­me­t­res insi­de the coun­try can be taken back across the bor­der. In this way, 13,869 peo­p­le were refu­sed ent­ry bet­ween July 5th and Octo­ber 30th, 2016.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, the­re are num­e­rous reports of mistre­at­ments of migrants and deploy­ments of dogs. Accor­ding to its own reports, the orga­ni­sa­ti­on Méde­cins sans Fron­tiè­res (MSF) Ser­bia tre­ats inju­ries to refu­gees and migrants cau­sed by the Hun­ga­ri­an bor­der forces on a dai­ly basis.


Accor­ding to Polish law, asyl­um appli­ca­ti­ons made to bor­der forces have to be regis­tered and pas­sed on to the head of the for­eig­ners’ regis­tra­ti­on office within 48 hours. Over the past months the­re have been an incre­asing num­ber of reports accor­ding to which many peo­p­le were refu­sed ent­ry as well as the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make an asyl­um request. The­se reports con­cern the bor­der to Bela­rus (bor­der sta­ti­on Brest-Terespol).

It is main­ly asyl­um see­kers from Chech­nya who want to app­ly for asyl­um in the EU via Bela­rus. The bor­der forces have been deny­ing access to the pro­cee­dings at the bor­der to NGOs and the UNHCR. 72,372 peo­p­le were refu­sed ent­ry (among them 61,267 peo­p­le from Rus­sia) bet­ween Janu­ary and Sep­tem­ber 2016, while during the enti­re pre­vious year (2015) the num­ber of refu­sals was still only 17,376.


Slove­nia does not have an EU-exter­nal bor­der. While the­re is no evi­dence of any sys­te­ma­tic push­backs, the­re are worry­ing poli­cy ten­den­ci­es: An amend­ment bill which would extend parliament’s powers – »if it beco­mes neces­sa­ry due to a thre­at to public order and secu­ri­ty cau­sed by migra­ti­on« – to shut the bor­ders, stop con­side­ring asyl­um appli­ca­ti­ons and to push back asyl­um see­kers at the bor­ders is to be voted on as ear­ly as Janu­ary 2017.