Legal note: Refugee Families Torn Apart

September 2019

The sys­te­ma­tic rejec­tions of fami­ly reuni­fi­ca­ti­ons requests from Greece by Ger­ma­ny and their detri­men­tal impact upon the right to fami­ly life and the best inte­rest of the child.

The­se per­sis­tent refu­sals by the Ger­man asyl­um aut­ho­ri­ties affect first and fore­most the fami­ly unity of indi­vi­du­als that have alre­a­dy suf­fe­r­ed from con­flict, war and per­se­cu­ti­on and most­ly impact upon the best inte­rest and well­be­ing of refu­gee child­ren that have often been sepa­ra­ted from their fami­lies for pro­lon­ged periods.

Com­mis­sio­ned by: PRO ASYL / RSA
For­mat: DIN A4, 18 pages